NOAA/NCEP GFS Model T126 Resolution
This data set includes Output from the NCEP GFS model in GRIB format. There are two sets of tar files for each month period. One set contains 3 hourly regional output over the...- dataset GRIB Archive UNDEFINED FORMAT
Giant Nuclei Impactor (GNI) NaCl-equivalent Sea-Salt Size Distributions
This dataset contains Giant Nuclei Impactor (GNI) NaCl-equivalent Sea-Salt Size Distributions collected by the NSF/NCAR C-130 during the ICE-T project- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
NOAA CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH) Global Precipitation Analyses
NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by CMORPH version 1.0, which is available in RDA dataset ds502.2 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds502.2/]. Users are advised to transition...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
GTS, SEAS, keyed, VOSClim And GCC Marine Surface Data from NCDC and NOCS
Marine surface data (ship observation, moored buoys, etc) are segregated from the GTS data stream at NCDC. The GTS records are encoded into IMMA format and collected into...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
VDM+: The Enhanced Vortex Message Dataset: Structure, Intensity, and Environm...
A Vortex Data Message (VDM) is a succinct summary of crucial vortex parameters sampled by aircraft as it flies through a tropical cyclone (TC). The Enhanced Vortex Data Message...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
The UCAR/CU CYGNSS Soil Moisture Product
This dataset provides soil moisture retrievals, which have been gridded to 36 km, for the upper 5 cm of the soil surface at sparsely-sampled 6-hour intervals for +/- 38 degrees...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
UCAR/CU CYGNSS Inundation Maps
This dataset provides 3 km maps of inundation fraction for latitudes +/- 38 degrees for the time period Mar 20, 2017 - Jun 30, 2022. Retrievals are derived from the Cyclone...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Ayr Lake, Baffin Island 570Yr Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope and Varve Data
A multiproxy paleoclimate record is presented using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes (d2Hwax) and varve thickness from Arctic proglacial lake sediments. Also provided is one of the...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) Radiometer Intercomparison [Fairall]
A preliminary analysis has been done by Chris Fairall using longwave radiometer data from the SHEBA project office and the flux group (P. Guest). This analysis which contains an...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Gridded ERA-40 Reanalysis Data for Western Arctic Linkage Experiment (WALE)
This data set includes monthly-mean air temperature and precipitation data for areas in Alaska and northwestern Canada, between 55°N and 65°N, and 160°W and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Nenana Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Aircraft Twin Otter Surface-Properties Surveys [SHEBA Project Office]
This data set consists of measurements of the surface temperature of the ice obtained from the Twin Otter logistics aircraft during the SHEBA field project.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Ice Camp Mobile Radiometric Platform Measurements (Link to CU) [Maslanik, J.]
A mobile platform was employed at the SHEBA site to provide detailed spatial and temporal sampling of a subset of radiometric measurements comparable to those obtained at the...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Integrated observational dataset for model validation [Roode, S. and C. Breth...
This is an external link to a SHEBA dataset from the University of Washington's Atmospheric Sciences Department. A central goal of the SHEBA project was to provide a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Eddies in the Beaufort Gyre IOEB Data [Plueddemann, A.]
This data set is a link to the Ice-Ocean Environmental buoys (IOEB) Data Archive web site. Please see that site for additional information.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
When the Weather is Uggianaqtuq: Inuit Observations of Environmental Change
Uggianaqtuq (pronounced OOG-gi-a-nak-took ) is a North Baffin Inuktitut word that means to behave unexpectedly, or in an unfamiliar way. From the perspective of many hunters and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Point Barrow, Alaska and Vicinity Bathymetry
This data set contains bathymetry data for Point Barrow, Alaska, and its vicinity. A bathymetry grid was interpolated from depth soundings measured in meters below mean lower...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT Archive ArcInfo ASCII Shapefile Image XML
Kuparuk Basin Watershed Studies [Kane, D., L. Hinzman]
This is an external link to a University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) website where Kuparuk Basin watershed studies data and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Tanana Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
HLY-02-01 Seabeam Data [USCG]
This data set contains the Seabeam data from the U.S. Coast Guard collected aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy cruise HLY-02-01.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT