ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20190303_naphthalene_Hydroxyl ra...
Goals: generate naphthalene SOA for cellular ROS assay Summary: 550 ppb naphthalene injected and use HONO as the source of OH radical Organization: Ng Research Group Lab...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Caltech Atmospheric Chamber_20130906_trans-beta IE...
Goals: This experiment was performed to assess the reactive uptake behavior of trans beta-IEPOX that was synthesized for the experiment. Different particle inorganic...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: CAPS_20200402_None_No Seed
Goals: Determine Effective Base Concentration for various amines and mixtures. Summary: Includes measurements from PCC and vwCPC instruments. Organization: CAPS Lab Affiliation:...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20150426_a-Pinene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: The comparison of photochemical aging effect on SOA formed from monoterpenes + NO3 reaction Summary: Compared to b-pinene, a-pinene+NO3 shows low SOA loading &...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: NCAR_20050224_ETHYL FORMATE_Chlorine radical_No Se...
Goals: Determine products of ethyl formate oxidation in the atmosphere. Specifically, investigate atmospheric fate of HC(O)OCH(O.)CH3 radical. Summary: Photolyze Cl2/ethyl...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20160510_Pentadecane_Hydroxyl ra...
Goals: Generate SOA for health study. Summary: MX+HONO, photooxidation under drycondition. Organization: Ng Research Group Lab Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20220713_Ocimene/Ammonium Sulfate/Ozo...
Goals: To quantify SOA yield and gas-phase product yields from humid ozonolysis of b-ocimene, which will serve as a "control" experiment to subtract the ozonolysis contribution...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: 2014 FIXCIT Study_20140130_PINONALDEHYDE/Pinonic a...
Goals: Explore the gas-phase chemistry of pinonaldehyde when HO2, NO, and NO2 are all present. Summary: Synthesized pinonaldehyde was added through a heated line for a few hours...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20150202_2-METHYLNAPHT...
Goals: Photo-oxidation of two VOCs with OH under black lights. Summary: Target: 2-methylnaphthalene 30 ppb+H2O2 1 ppm (both) +m-xylene 90 ppb(A) INSTRUMENTS: SMPS, GC1, AMS,...- dataset Archive
Datasets for "Influence of Organized Turbulence on OH Reactivity at a Deciduo...
Model archived fields used in the generation of the figures in: Clifton, O. E., E. G. Patton, M. C. Barth, J. Orlando, S. Wang, C. Baublitz, Influence of Organized Turbulence on...- dataset ASCII
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20190719_ALPHA-PINENE/OZONE_Ozone_Amm...
Goals: Control (no NO2) for 20190718, which itself is a control experiment for the O3+NO2+H2O2 series -- this one with no H2O2, and therefore likely very little HO2 formation...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20201224_2-methylbut-3-ene-1,2-diol/1...
Goals: Investigate 1,2-DHI + OH oxidation products under high-NOx conditions Summary: 1,2-DHI, NO, and H2O2 were injected and photooxidation was initiated by turning the UV...- dataset Archive
Datasets used in "Stomatal conductances influences interannual variability an...
Model archived fields for surface ozone, effective stomatal conductance, and leaf area index corresponding to Clifton, O. E., Lombardozzi, D. L., Fiore, A. M., Paulot, F., &...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ziemann_20071120_3,4-Diethylhexane/Methyl nitrite/...
Goals: Determine SOA yield of OH radical oxidation of the VOC Summary: Alkanes were reacted with OH radicals in the presence of NOx in a 5900 L PTFE environmental chamber filled...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20160123_ALPHA-PINENE_Hydroxyl r...
Goals: Generate SOA for health study. Summary: AP+H2O2, photooxidation under drycondition. Organization: Ng Research Group Lab Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Browne Lab_20210331_Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane/N...
Goals: We oxidized D4 using HONO as the oxidant precursor to promote RO2 radical reactions with NO. Summary: The siloxanol was the main product formed. Organization: Browne Lab...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Caltech Atmospheric Chamber_20130329_cis-beta IEPO...
Goals: This experiment was performed to assess the reactive uptake behavior of cis beta-IEPOX that was synthesized for the experiment. Different particle inorganic compositions...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20190627_ALPHA-PINENE/OZONE/10102-44-...
Goals: To quantify the nitrooxy-hydroperoxide yield and the SOA yield from nighttime RO2+HO2-dominated NO3-initiated chemistry of a-pinene by adding H2O2 + ozone + NO2 to the...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20141130_toluene/H2O2/...
Goals: Photo-oxidation of toluene with batched NO injection under black lights. Summary: Target: 80ppb toluene+1ppm H2O2+20 ppb NO INSTRUMENTS: SMPS, GC1, AMS, APM, SYFT...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20161008_NOx/Diesel(Ar...
Goals: Diesel photo-oxidation under NOx and SOA surrogate Summary: 1.1ppmc surrogate +25ppb NOx +150ul (Arlinton gas) diesel+1ppmc H2O2 INSTRUMENTS: AMS, SMPS, GC1 Organization:...- dataset Archive