Reference Radiosonde Data [NCAR/EOL]
During the International H20 Project 2002 (IHOP 2002), Reference Radiosondes were released sixteen times. Either a Vaisala RS80 radiosonde released from the Homestead site or a...- dataset ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter Imagery Products
This data set is comprised of imagery products. The data were collected from the left inboard of the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft during the from 19 October 2008 through 13...- dataset Image
University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) Low-Rate Flight Level Data for TRANS2AM...
Low Rate (1 Hz) flight level data from the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft during Phase 1 (July and August 2021) of the TRANS2AM campaign. The base of operations was the...- dataset NetCDF
HS3 2014 Global Hawk Dropsonde Data
NOAA/NASA Global Hawk Dropsonde sounding profiles collected during 11 research flights between August 26 and September 30 2014 during the NASA Hurricane and Severe Storm...- dataset ASCII
NRC Convair 580 Aircraft State Parameters
This data set contains atmospheric and aircraft state parameters from over 30 instruments that were operated by the National Research Council of Canada on-board the NRC...- dataset NetCDF HTML
Eta MOLTS Derived Soundings
The SGP99 Eta MOLTS Derived Soundings data set contains NCEP Eta Model Location Time Series (MOLTS) derived soundings from up to 574 locations over North America. These output...- dataset ASCII
Indonesia Site - Palu Radiosonde L3.1 Data
This data set includes 365 high vertical resolution soundings from Palu, Indonesia (WMO 97072) collected during the DYNAMO field campaign for 2011-12. Soundings were typically...- dataset ASCII
FASTEX soundings from the Aegir (Icelandic Coast Guard Ship)
This dataset consists of sounding data from the Aegir, an Icelandic Coast Guard Ship (ID TFTA). Soundings were taken four times per day (00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC) except during...- dataset ASCII
NWS Mandatory and Significant Level Sounding Data
The SGP99 Mandatory and Significant Level Sounding data set contains sounding data extracted from the NOAA/FSL radiosonde database for 15 sites bounded by 33N, 40N, -107W and...- dataset ASCII
BALTEX: Sodankyla Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) Sodankyla Hourly Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Council Climate Data - Tundra Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the tundra site in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in ASCII format. This dataset is also available in an...- dataset ASCII
FASTEX soundings from ASAP ship Godafoss
This dataset consists of sounding data from the Swedish-Icelandic ASAP ship the Godafoss which was operated by the Vedurstofa Islands. Soundings were taken four times per day...- dataset ASCII
UK Met Office 3dVOM 1km Imagery
This data set contains 3dVOM forecasts for the Sierra Nevada (1 km resolution) during the T-REX field project. 3dVOM (3-D Velocities over Mountains) is a finite-difference...- dataset Archive
NOAA Wind Profiler Network Hourly Surface
This dataset contains the NOAA wind profiler surface data collected during the CASES-99 project. For more information, please see the read-me file.- dataset BUFR
Santa Cruz Sounding Data
This data set contains atmospheric profiles derived from rawinsondes released from Santa Cruz, Bolivia during the South American Low-Level Jet Experiment (SALLJEX) from 17...- dataset ASCII
GTS PACS Region Land-Based Precipitation Data
This data set contains all land-based precipitation observations available from GTS over the region from 30 N to 60 S latitude and 30 to 150 W longitude as collected by...- dataset ASCII
UAH Mobile Meteorological Mesonet vehicle (M3V) Data
This data set contains the surface meteorological data at one second temporal resolution from the University of Alabama in Huntsville Mobile Meteorological Mesonet vehicle (M3V)...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR C-130 Flight LRT Data (MSS) Data
This dataset contains the LRT data from the NSF/NCAR C-130 flights during MILAGRO.- dataset NetCDF
University of Louisiana Monroe Radiosonde Data
This data set contains temperature, moisture, and wind profiles from the iMet radiosonde systems operated by the University of Louisiana Monroe as part of the Verification of...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/EOL AVAPS Dropsonde Profiles
Dropsonde sounding profiles deployed from the NOAA P-3 aircraft. From November 9 through December 13, 2011, thirteen research flights were conducted and 469 dropsonde profiles...- dataset ASCII