Banks Island July 2003 Field Report - Addendum
A group of 19 researchers and students from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and other U.S. and Canadian organizations gathered at Green Cabin, northern Banks Island in July...- dataset PDF
West Siberian Lowland Peatland GIS Data Collection
This dataset contains the West Siberian Lowland (WSL) peatland GIS data collection. The collection covers the entire West Siberian lowland and was compiled from a wide array of...- dataset PDF Archive
Model Output from MBL-GEM III for a Typical Tussock-Tundra Hill Slope, 1921-2100
This data set includes output data from the MBL-GEM (Marine Biological Laboratory General Ecosystem Model) III model for a typical tussock-tundra hillslope. The model outputs...- dataset ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Classification and Mapping
Investigators classified typical and characteristic vegetation communities in an area in northern Alaska using Braun-Blanquet sorted table analysis, and mapped the communities...- dataset PDF ASCII
Meteorology, Vegetation, Radiation, Microtopography, and Thaw Depth Data, Ala...
This dataset includes temperature, relative humidity, long- and short-wave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf area index (LAI), microtopography, and thaw...- dataset Archive
Agashashok White Spruce Branch Growth 2005-2008
This dataset includes retrospective measurements of white spruce branch extension growth (mm) made at breast height (4 measurements from each tree) during late August of 2008....- dataset ASCII
Climate and Flux Data from Alaska Sites, 1998-2000
This data set contains climate, flux, and bulk density data from Ivotuk and Council (Seward Peninsula), Alaska, collected from 1998 through 2000. Surface energy and trace gas...- dataset ASCII Archive
Babe Creek Summit Tree Ring Data [Wolken, J.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements of annual ring width for...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- BE CO2 Flux Summer 2009
This data set contains half-hourly vertical fluxes of CO2 and related environmental measurements taken at the Biocomplexity Experimental Site in northern Alaska during the...- dataset ASCII
Meteorological and Radio Brightness Observations of Thawing Permafrost Near T...
This data set includes meteorological and radio brightness observations of tundra and shrub terrain on the North Slope of Alaska, USA near Toolik Lake. These data are nearly...- dataset Archive
Low Arctic monitoring of plant community composition and dynamics
This dataset contains annual assessment of plant community composition and biomass production near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. These data derive from an ongoing experiment that...- dataset Excel ASCII
Halomethane and methane net fluxes in northern Alaskan tundra, Barrow and Too...
These data quantify fluxes of environmentally important trace gases between the coastal tundra and atmosphere, including methyl halides, chloroform and methane. The methyl...- dataset ASCII
North American Tundra NEE modeled from MODIS data
This data set provides growing season Net Ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) between tundra ecosystems and the atmosphere for North America. Data are produced over the growing season...- dataset Image
Tree Growth Plots from Dry Mystery Creek Sites [Lloyd, A.]
This dataset contains an image of tree growth plots from Dry Mystery Creek sites.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
An Analysis of the Carbon Balance of the Arctic Basin from 1997 to 2006
These data sets are the results of a model-data analysis of the contemporary C balance of the Arctic system. CO2 and CH4 exchange between the terrestrial ecosystems of the basin...- dataset ASCII
Characterization of Potentially Jurassic-Age Mummified Organic Material, Elle...
This data set investigates the characteristics and spatial distribution of a mummified forest deposit in Quttinirpaaq National Park, Canada. Analyses include palynological...- dataset PDF Archive Image
Thule Fen CO2 Exchange 2004-2006
This dataset includes mid-day measurements of CO2 exchange in hummocks and pools with and without open-top experimental warming chambers (OTCs). Measurements were made using a...- dataset ASCII
Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 1995 and 1996
Carbon dioxide exchange, air temperature, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were measured on tundra plots at the Toolik Lake Field Station during the summers of 1995...- dataset Excel ASCII
Canopy Foliage Area Index, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 1995 and 1996
This dataset contains Canopy Foliage Area Index data for Toolik Lake, Alaska. Leaf Area Index (LAI) was measured for tundra plots at the Toolik Lake Field Station during the...- dataset Excel ASCII
Soil Descriptions and Soil Chemistry for LAII/ATLAS Winter Carbon Flux Sites,...
Soil profiles at 27 sites in northern Alaska were described and classified in order to provide baseline soils data for ARCSS/LAII/ATLAS (Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset Excel Image