ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis ShortWaveUp Radiation
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis ShortWaveUp Radiation data. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on National Centers for Environmental...- dataset Archive
ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis ShortWaveDown Radiation
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis ShortWaveDown Radiation data. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on National Centers for Environmental...- dataset Archive
SNACS Atmospheric Model: Time Series Data - Daily averages
This dataset archives the daily SNACS Polar MM5 atmospheric model data for simulations run with the following forcing data: Model years Data 1957-1958 to 1978-1979 ERA40...- dataset ASCII
Pan-Arctic Land Surface (PALS) model drivers and outputs
This data set includes forcing data and output fields for multimodel simulations of pan-Arctic hydrology. All models were forced with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather...- dataset Archive
The Cloud and Surface Parameter Retrieval (CASPR) data set consists of SHEBA AVHRR arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison...- dataset OTHER Archive
Eddy Flux Data, Alaska North Slope, 1994-1996
This dataset contains eddy flux data recorded at Happy Valley, Sagwon, and Toolik Lake from 1994 to 1996. An entire suite of meteorological parameters were recorded, including...- dataset Archive
Radiation Measurements from the USCGC Polar Sea, 1994
This data set includes spectral and broadband measurements of downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation made aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter "Polar Sea" during...- dataset ASCII
Model Output from MBL-GEM III for Typical Tussock Tundra in the Kuparuk River...
This data set includes output data from the MBL-GEM (Marine Biological Laboratory General Ecosystem Model) III model for tussock tundra in the Kuparuk River watershed of Alaska....- dataset ASCII
North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) Dataset
The NARCCAP data archive contains output from 6 regional climate models (RCMs) run over a domain covering most of North America using boundary conditions from 4 different global...- dataset NetCDF