GISS Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains outputs from climate models at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) for use in assessing the impact of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations...- dataset Binary
High Resolution WRF Simulations of the Current and Future Climate of North Am...
Note: ds612.5 CONUS (Continental U.S.) II High Resolution Present and Future Climate Simulation has superseded this dataset. The dataset is from a high resolution climate change...- dataset NetCDF
ERA5 monthly mean back extension 1950-1978 (Preliminary version)
ECMWF has announced that the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has begun the release of the ERA5 back extension data covering the period 1950-1978 on the Climate Data...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
An Ensemble of Atmospheric Forcing Files from a CAM reanalysis
This dataset contains files that are an ensemble of 'coupler history' files from an 80-member reanalysis performed with the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) using the...- dataset NetCDF
An Atlas Based on the 'COADS' Data Set: Fields of Mean Wind, Cloudiness and H...
Monthly global grids of data, derived fluxes, and anomalies were prepared from the COADS data.- dataset ASCII
Summary Reports--Fellowship in Scientific Computing Summer 1974
This represents a collection of papers written by graduate students participating in the 1974 Summer Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing. The main emphasis of the program...- publication PDF
A Thermopile Temperature Sensitivity Calibration Procedure for Eppley Broadba...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
On the Weather of Venezuela: A Summary Report on the Venezuela Experiments of...
In this report the methodology and execution of the Venezuela meteorological and hydrological experiments of 1969 and 1972 are discussed. The radiation balance and water balance...- publication PDF
Monthly Mean Global Satellite Data Sets Available in CCM History Tape Format
This report describes work completed on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) project, "Intercomparison of Satellite-Based Global Data Sets with Global...- publication PDF
Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) Radiometer Intercomparison [Fairall]
A preliminary analysis has been done by Chris Fairall using longwave radiometer data from the SHEBA project office and the flux group (P. Guest). This analysis which contains an...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
ARCMIP: EASE-Grid Model Data
Model data from participating Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) modelers was re-gridded to fit the ARCMIP EASE-Grid, a 50km equal area grid on a...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Integrated observational dataset for model validation [Roode, S. and C. Breth...
This is an external link to a SHEBA dataset from the University of Washington's Atmospheric Sciences Department. A central goal of the SHEBA project was to provide a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Meteorological and Hydrographic Data, Kuparuk River Watershed
The data files in this data set contain climate and hydrographic information from sites on the North Slope of Alaska. The variables collected were temperature, humidity, wind...- dataset ASCII Archive
Growing Season Energy and CO2 Fluxes over a Larch Forest Tundra Ecosystem in ...
This data set includes eddy covariance measurements of carbon and energy fluxes over a larch forest-tundra ecosystem near the latitudinal treeline, collected near Cherskii,...- dataset Excel ASCII
Kuparuk Basin Watershed Studies [Kane, D., L. Hinzman]
This is an external link to a University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) website where Kuparuk Basin watershed studies data and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- MET Data
This dataset includes meteorology data from 3 towers: BE North (BEN) BE Central (BEC) BE South (BES) Met data are contained in several files, one file per location per year....- dataset Archive
Meteorological, Radiation, Soil, and Snow Data from Alaska Sites, 1998-2008
This data set contains meteorological, radiation, soil, and snow data from sites in Ivotuk and the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. The goal of the project is to improve the...- dataset Archive
North Pole Environmental Observatory (NPEO) Weather and Radiation Buoy Data
This data set includes in situ air pressure, wind, temperature, longwave radiation, and shortwave radiation measurements. Data were recorded from 27 April 2002 by weather...- dataset Archive
Model Output from the Arctic Region Climate System Model (ARCSyM)
The Arctic Region Climate System Model (ARCSyM) provides output data to study ocean-ice-atmosphere and land-atmosphere interactions at high latitudes, at horizontal resolutions...- dataset HDF ASCII
SnowModel Pan-Arctic Data 1979-2009
This data set contains pan-Arctic snow property estimates of distributed air temperature, snow precipitation, snow-season timing and length, maximum snow water equivalent depth...- dataset ASCII Archive Binary