ERA-40 Monthly Means of Upper Air Model Level Analysis
Monthly means of model level analysis data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis are in this archive.- dataset GRIB
Terrestrial Water Budget Data Archive
The dataset authors have created a terrestrial water budget data archive on a 1-degree grid. They identified 13332 global stations with complete records and created 30-year...- dataset GRIB
GPCC Full Data Daily Version 1.0: Daily Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain ...
This dataset contains the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Full Data Daily Product of daily global land-surface precipitation based on data provided by national...- dataset NetCDF
The Comprehensive Historical Upper Air Network
The Comprehensive Historical Upper-Air Network (CHUAN) represents a global, historical upper-air dataset that has been derived from heterogeneous data available from various...- dataset ASCII
Arctic System Reanalysis version 2
The Arctic System Reanalysis (ASR) is produced using a high-resolution version of the Polar Weather Research and Forecasting Model (PWRF) and High Resolution Land Data...- dataset NetCDF
NCDC TD3220 U.S. Cooperative Summary of Month
This data is obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). "Information contained in this monthly data file are primarily those from the cooperative network, augmented...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF's Operational Model Analysis, starting in 2011
European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) atmospheric operational model analyses and products derived from short-term forecasts. These data are archived at the...- dataset GRIB
GEWEX NASA Water Vapor Project (NVAP)
A five year (1988-1992) total and layered global water vapor data set on 1 degree by 1 degree grids. This set is derived from radiosonde observations, TOVS and SSMI data....- dataset Binary
U.S. Navy SPOT Global Surface and Upper Air Observations, daily 1971-1996
The Navy Fleet Numerical Weather Center (FNWC) collects, on an operational basis, surface and upper air data from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). DSS created the...- dataset Binary
U.S. Navy FNOC Southern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses, daily August 1974 t...
Prepared by Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center in Monterey California. Unless you have a special interest in this dataset, DSS recommends that you use one of our reanalysis...- dataset Binary
Canadian Surface Observations, daily 1963jan-1976dec, 95 stations
This dataset contains daily surface observations from ninety-five Canadian stations from January 1963 to December 1976.- dataset ASCII
Winter Monsoon Experiment (WMONEX), 1978Dec
This dataset contains flight-level aircraft data for December 1978 from the Winter Monsoon Experiment (WMONEX).- dataset Binary
Earth Insolation for 1.1 Million Years (from Belgium)
This dataset contains monthly-average insolation values in 10-degree latitude bands for the past one million years and mid-month insolation values in the same latitude bands for...- dataset ASCII
China Monthly Station Maximum/minimum Temperature and Precipitation, 1965-197...
This dataset contains monthly precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature data for 89 Chinese stations for 1965 to 1975.- dataset Binary ASCII
Climate Model Products from the First-generation Global Coupled Model at the ...
The Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCMA) has developed several climate simulation models for use in projecting natural climate change and assessing the...- dataset GRIB ASCII
NCEP Daily Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses for 1973 January to 1997...
This dataset contains twice daily gridded Northern Hemisphere analyses from NCEP's operational model on 47-by-51 and 65-by-65 polar-stereographic grids centered on the North...- dataset Binary
NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) Analyses and Forecasts
This dataset is a collection of various NCEP GFS data used by NCAR's researchers. It consists of periods of GFS spectral coefficients (in binary format) and flux terms (in GRIB...- dataset GRIB
The Pacific Rainfall Database (PACRAIN)
The Pacific Rainfall Database (PACRAIN) dataset contains daily and monthly precipitation from stations in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The most up to date versions of this data...- dataset ASCII
Labitzke's Daily Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Analyses, 1964-1996
This and later data is now completely contained in The Berlin Stratospheric Data Series cdrom [https://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/en/met/ag/strat/produkte/fubdata/cdrom/index.html],...- dataset Binary
Global Hourly 0.5-degree Land Surface Air Temperature Datasets
Global hourly 0.5-degree Surface Air Temperature (SAT) datasets were developed based on four reanalysis products [Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications...- dataset NetCDF