Brazilian Hourly Surface Observations, 1951 to 1980
This set contains hourly surface data from several Brazilian stations. Reported variables include temperature and moisture information, visibility, present weather, cloud and...- dataset NetCDF
Ocean Station Vessel Observations
Surface observations, some XBT profiles, and some subsurface station data from permanent observing ocean ships. Earliest data is 1945 and latest data is 1991. Added in June 2006...- dataset Binary ASCII
ERA-40 Monthly Means of Surface and Flux Forecast Data
Monthly means of surface and flux forecast data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
Ship data digitized in China, GODAR project
As part of the GODAR (Global Ocean Data Archeology and Rescue) surface marine ship data were digitized in China. The data were received from NCDC on CDROM.- dataset ASCII
NOCS Surface Flux Dataset v2.0
The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) Version 2.0 Surface Flux Dataset is a monthly mean gridded dataset of marine surface measurements and derived fluxes...- dataset NetCDF
NCDC TD5850 Global Rocketsondes 1969-1988
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) has provided rocketsonde data for a handful of stations around the globe for 1969 to 1988. Usually, there is about one sounding per...- dataset ASCII
NASA GASP (Global Atmospheric Sampling Program) Aircraft Observations, 1975Ma...
This dataset contains flight-level aircraft measurements from five GASP aircraft during the period of March 1975 to July 1979. Parameters measured by the aircraft include...- dataset ASCII
NMC MRF Global 10 Day Forecasts, daily January 1990 to February 1999
10 day forecasts at 12 hour intervals from MRF model in spherical harmonics at R30 through November 1995, and on a 2.5-degree GRIB grid beginning December 1995. MORE...- dataset GRIB
Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments - Phase II
Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs) were proposed by the CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMD) as a venue for comparing global ocean-sea ice...- dataset NetCDF
Climate Analysis Center 10-Year Climate Diagnostics Data Base
This dataset contains long-term means of geopotential height, temperature, and wind for the troposphere from 1000mb up to 100mb. Means are computed for the period from 1979 to...- dataset NetCDF
Great Plains Low-Level Jet Occurrence and Upper-Level Coupling in CERA-20C
The Great Plains Low-Level Jet Occurrence and Upper-Level Coupling CERA-20C dataset comprises a 3-hourly record of low-level jet activity and degree of upper-atmospheric jet...- dataset NetCDF
WCRP and WWRP THORPEX YOTC (Year of Tropical Convection) Project, Single Para...
The realistic representation of tropical convection in our global atmospheric models is a long-standing grand challenge for numerical weather forecasts and global climate...- dataset GRIB
Merged Statistical Analyses of Historical Monthly Precipitation Anomalies Beg...
An improved land-ocean global monthly precipitation anomaly reconstruction is developed for the period beginning in 1900. Reconstructions use the available historical data and...- dataset ASCII
ERA-15 Supplementary Flux Accumulation Fields
Supplementary flux accumulation fields from the forecast data of ECMWF ERA-15 Reanalysis Project- dataset GRIB
Global Air Temperature and Precipitation Climatologies, by Willmott et al.
Cort J. Willmott, Kenji Matsuura and David R. Legates (Center for Climate Research, University of Deleware), created a new version of this dataset (version 2.01) in November...- dataset ASCII
W.M.O. Station (Surface and Upper Air) Library (November 1995)
This dataset contains a station library for WMO surface and upper-air stations. The library is current as of November 1995.- dataset ASCII
NCEP CPC Upper Stratospheric and Lower Mesospheric Analyses
The Global Upper Stratospheric and Lower Mesospheric Analyses are provided on a pair of 65 by 65 polar grids, daily at 12Z. These were operationally prepared by NCEP/CPC, using...- dataset GRIB
NCAR Global Climate Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (CFDDA) Hourly 40 km R...
NCAR Global Climate Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (CFDDA) Hourly 40 km Reanalysis dataset is a dynamically-downscaled dataset with high temporal and spatial resolution that...- dataset NetCDF
NSCAT/NCEP Blended Ocean Winds (Version 1.0)
Ocean surface wind vector components and wind stress curl data products are derived from spatial blending of high-resolution satellite data (NASA Scatterometer - NSCAT) and...- dataset Binary
ICOADS Auxiliary and Future Datasets
Auxiliary, preliminary, and other datasets that are to be included in ICOADS at a future time. Various format are used. We do not recommend general public use of these data....- dataset ASCII