Model - Lower Column Forcing Data (MatLab) [McPhee, M.]
This dataset was developed as a means of identifying particular events during the SHEBA drift, and assembling in one place data necessary for driving and verifying ice ocean...- dataset Matlab
NRL P-3 Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT (1sps) Data
This dataset contains airborne measurements obtained aboard the NRL P-3 during the THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign. This dataset contains the Low Rate (LRT, 1sps) Flight...- dataset NetCDF
FP3 FP4 FP5 QC 5 min Surface Data, tilt corrected
This dataset contains 5 minute surface data collected from NCAR Integrated Sounding Systems located at FP3, FP4 and FP5 between 23 April to 25 July 2015 as part the Plains...- dataset NetCDF
RSMAS CWRF 12km with JMA Initial Condition Forecast Imagery
This data set contains RSMAS CWRF 12km model (using JMA initial boundary conditions) forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include rain rate and sea level...- dataset Image
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Sabreliner aircraft (Tail Number: N307D) during the Convective Waves...- dataset NetCDF
Aircraft C-130 MASP Statistical Cloud Pass Data (Baumgardner)
Multiangle Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (MASP) statistical cloud pass data collected by Baumgardner.- dataset ASCII
SGP99: NCAR/NSF C-130 Low Rate (1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Micro...
This dataset contains netCDF data obtained aboard the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the Southern Great Plains Experiment (SGP99). This dataset contains the Low Rate (LRT, 1sps)...- dataset NetCDF
High Rate (HRT - 25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR CAM3 Default Version
This NCAR CAM3 run was done with the default version of CAM3.0. The dust is prescribed and only shortwave interactions with climate. This data set consists of two types of...- dataset Archive NetCDF
OU/NSSL CLAMPS Doppler Lidar Wind Profile Data
This data set contains vertical profiles of wind speed, wind direction, and vertical wind speed every two minutes from the Halo Streamline Doppler Lidar that was deployed as...- dataset NetCDF OTHER
HRRR and NAM Model Imagery
This dataset contains the HRRR and NAM Model Imagery for the Instabilities, Dynamics and Energetics accompanying Atmospheric Layering (IDEAL) project from the University of...- dataset Image
NSF NCAR C-130 Low-rate (LRT) Data
Low-rate data in netCDF format are available here for each flight of the NCAR C-130 that occurred during the SHEBA project (16 flights total) in the spring and summer of 1998....- dataset NetCDF
NOGAPS Single Vector Extratropical Transition Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NOGAPS Single Vector Extratropical Transition Forecast products. Included are maximum temperature and vorticity sensitivity, and vertically integrated...- dataset Image
ECMWF Deterministic Model Analysis Data on hybrid levels in GRIB2 (D1D)
This data set contains the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) deterministic forecast model analysis data on hybrid levels in GRIB2 format. The forecast...- dataset GRIB
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the L-188 Electra aircraft (Tail Number N595KR) during the DUSTORM project. This dataset contains high rate...- dataset GENPRO
NOAA/ATDD Bondville, Illinois Long Term Flux Site
The NOAA/ATDD (Tilden Meyers) started operation of a long term flux monitoring site near Bondville, Illinois in 1996. Half-hourly observations of wind speed and direction, air...- dataset ASCII
This data set contains 30-minute resolution eddy correlation (ECOR) system data from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments (ABLE) operated by the Argonne National...- dataset PDF ASCII
WRF 4KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Big Piney to Gillette)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Big Piney, WY to Gillette, WY...- dataset Image
NOAA N42 P-3 Flight Level Data
This dataset contains 1 second and 10 second N42 RF P-3 flight level data collected from 09/06/2005 to 09/23/2005, including 2005 storms, Katrina, Ophelia and Rita. To use the...- dataset Archive ASCII NetCDF
Triple Hot Film Anemometer Measurements Compared to Sonic Anemometer Measurem...
This dataset consists of an Excel spreadsheet and comma delimited ASCII format files containing data from sonic anemometers, triple hot film anemometers, single cold film...- dataset ASCII