NOAA-14 AVHRR NRL Cloud Classification Product
The NOAA POES AVHRR NRL Cloud Classification Product (JPG) is one of several satellite products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus PhaseII:...- dataset Image
NCAR HCR radar and GV-HSRL lidar moments data
HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) and High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) data collected aboard the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER (Gulfstream-V High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for...- dataset NetCDF
COAMPS 15km Tropical Cyclone Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS 15 km model tropical cyclone forecast imagery. The products are specific to a particular tropical system. Products are available at 12 hourly...- dataset Image
Scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) [Smith, J. (NCAR-ACD)]
This data set contains NSF/NCAR C-130 SMPS Particle Size Distributions Data collected during NOMADSS from 03 June 2013 through 14 July 2013. This data set is in ICARTT format....- dataset ASCII
High Rate (HRT - 25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight...
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the CAESAR project. Files contain high rate (25 sps)...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
FP5 NCAR/EOL 915 MHz Profiler 30 Minute Consensus Winds and Moments Data
This data set contains 30 minute NIMA consensus wind and moments data measured by the NCAR/EOL 915 MHz profiler located at the PECAN Fixed PISA 5 site in Brewster, Kansas. These...- dataset Archive
BALTEX: Lindenberg Radiation Raw Data
This is the 10 minute radiation data for the Baltex Lindenberg Site.- dataset ASCII
TMI Tropical Cyclone Imagery
This data set contains TRMM TMI satellite imagery centered over tropical systems in the western Pacific Ocean. The products include 37H, 37V, 37 color, 85H, 85V, 85 PCT, color,...- dataset Image
CASPR-ARCMIP 1998 Dataset
This dataset consists of SHEBA AVHRR Arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) domain location for 1998....- dataset Archive ASCII
ECMWF 125km Forecast Products Imagery - NRT Biomass-Burning CO Tracer Vertica...
This dataset contains ECMWF 125km Forecast Products Imagery of vertical cross-sections of biomass-burning carbon monoxide at 180E taken during the HIPPO-3 project. The imagery...- dataset Image
NCDC Summary of the Day COOP Precipitation Data
This dataset contains daily precipitation data extracted from the SGP99 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative data for the SGP99 domain.- dataset ASCII
ABRFC WSR-88D Stage III Daily Precipitation
This dataset contains data from the NOAA Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center. The ABRFC routinely ingests WSR-88D precipitation derived products (Level III) from each of...- dataset Image
SSM/I Daily Rainfall Imagery
Gif images of retrieved rainfall (mm/hour) products computed (Ferriday algorithm) daily at a spatial resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 degrees. Data are from SSM/I instruments on DMSP,...- dataset Image
Ivotuk Radiation Data - Station Met2 [Hinzman, L.]
This dataset contains Radiation Data taken from the Ivotuk site station Met2 during the ATLAS field project.- dataset ASCII
University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) Mid-Rate Flight Level Data for TRANS2AM...
Mid Rate (10 Hz) flight level data from the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft during Phase 1 (July and August 2021) of the TRANS2AM campaign. The base of operations was...- dataset NetCDF
COAMPS Adjoint Sensitivity Area 3 Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS adjoint model sensitivity area 3 forecast imagery. The products include tmperature/moisture/relative vorticity sensitivity at -.5, 2, and 5 km...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Craig to Torrington)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Craig, CO to Torrington, WY...- dataset Image
NCAR/EOL ISS Ceilometer Data
Ceilometer data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the Farm Field site (ISS2) during the SAVANT field campaign. These data were collected by a...- dataset Archive ASCII Image
Precipitation (15-minute) Multi-Network Composite
The BAMEX Fifteen Minute Precipitation Composite contains National Climatic Data Center Fifteen Minute Precipitation data and the 15 minute precipitation extracted from the...- dataset ASCII
AIRS Daytime Ch4 306mb Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains daytime CH4 306mb imagery from the AIRS satellite taken during the HIPPO-2 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span from...- dataset Image