A User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase 1 Database
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) is an ongoing multi-institutional, international effort addressing the response of biogeography and...- publication PDF
CAMELS: Catchment Attributes for Large-Sample Studies
This dataset covers the same 671 catchments as the Large-Sample Hydrometeorological Dataset introduced by Newman et al. (2015). For each catchment, we characterized a wide range...- dataset ASCII
The UCAR/CU CYGNSS Soil Moisture Product
This dataset provides soil moisture retrievals, which have been gridded to 36 km, for the upper 5 cm of the soil surface at sparsely-sampled 6-hour intervals for +/- 38 degrees...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Global MIMICS-CN from biogeochemical testbed
These data document ecosystem biogeochemical responses from carbon-nitrogen and carbon-only versions of the Microbial-MIneral Carbon Stabilization Model (MIMICS) and...- dataset Archive
Ecosystem simulations at Fernow Experimental Forest using the soil biogeochem...
Results from single point simulations using the soil biogeochemical testbed, which consists of the CASA-CNP vegetation model and the MIMICS-CN and CASA-CN soil models. Single...- dataset Archive
Coring Data from Drained Thaw-Lake Basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
This data set includes measurements and observations taken from drained thaw-lake basin (DTLB) cores retrieved from Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska in April and August of 2001...- dataset Archive
Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots
This dataset contains Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots data, including environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 55 releve plots at the Happy Valley...- dataset Excel PDF Image
Agashashok Microclimate
This dataset includes hourly measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation, soil temperature and soil water content collected in support of a...- dataset ASCII
Barrow Area NonGis Data and Tramline Pictures
The following dataset includes NonGis data from the years 2005-2009. The bulk of the data are tram spectral data, tram photographs, and metadata. Also included in this dataset...- dataset Archive
ARCMIP: EASE-Grid Model Data
Model data from participating Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) modelers was re-gridded to fit the ARCMIP EASE-Grid, a 50km equal area grid on a...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Biocomplexity of Frost-boil Ecosystems Snow Data Report, Alaska North Slope
This data report is a summary of snow-survey information collected during a trip to the Arctic Slope April 12-15, 2004. The data were all collected as part of the Biocomplexity...- dataset PDF
Alaska North Slope (Sagavanirktok River) Meteorological Data, 1994 and 1995
This dataset contains meteorological, soil and vegetation data collected in 1994 and 1995 from a site adjacent to the Sag River (Slope Mountain) Alaska Department of...- dataset ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Toolik Lake, AK: Permanent Plots
This data set is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 81 study plots at the Toolik Lake research site in northern Alaska. Data include...- dataset Excel OTHER PDF ASCII
Meteorological and Hydrographic Data, Kuparuk River Watershed
The data files in this data set contain climate and hydrographic information from sites on the North Slope of Alaska. The variables collected were temperature, humidity, wind...- dataset ASCII Archive
Banks Island July 2003 Field Report
A group of 19 researchers and students from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and other U.S. and Canadian organizations gathered at Green Cabin, northern Banks Island in July...- dataset PDF
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- BE CH4 Fall 2009
This data set contains half-hourly vertical fluxes of CO2, CH4, and related environmental measurements taken at the Biocomplexity Experimental Site in northern Alaska during the...- dataset ASCII
Thule Biocomplexity - Gross Ecosystem Photosynthesis
Ecosystem carbon dioxide flux measurements were taken at a High Arctic prostrate dwarf-shrub, herb tundra near Pituffik (Thule), Greenland (76 deg 29'N, 68 deg 26'W;...- dataset ASCII
Growing Season Energy and CO2 Fluxes over a Larch Forest Tundra Ecosystem in ...
This data set includes eddy covariance measurements of carbon and energy fluxes over a larch forest-tundra ecosystem near the latitudinal treeline, collected near Cherskii,...- dataset Excel ASCII
Soil Survey along the Dempster Highway, Yukon Territory, Canada
Soil survey information from plots along the Dempster Highway in Yukon Territory, Canada, includes soil consistency, soil texture, soil moisture, pedon information, flooding...- dataset ASCII
Kuparuk Basin Watershed Studies [Kane, D., L. Hinzman]
This is an external link to a University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) website where Kuparuk Basin watershed studies data and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT