1,262 resources found

Keywords: precipitation amount

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  • UAH MAPNet RaDAPS Surface Meteorological Data

    Data from the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet) Rapidly Deployable Profiling Systems (RaDAPS) 6-m retractable surface met...
  • Precipitation Hourly Multi-Network Composite

    This Hourly Precipitation Composite is one of several precipitation datasets provided for the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) 2004. This precipitation composite was...
  • DRI AWS Time Series Imagery

    This time series imagery dataset from the Desert Research Institute's (DRI) Automated Weather Stations (AWS) was created for the Terrain-Induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX)....
  • ECMWF 0.25 Degree Forecast Model Grids (GRIB) [Barve,NPS]

    This dataset contains ECMWF 0.25 degree (lon x lat = 561 x 261 points) resolution forecast model grids in GRIB format from NPS. Forecasts are initialized at 00 and 12 UTC every...
  • Wyoming's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS)

    The Wyoming's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS) dataset is one of several datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP) Large Scale...
  • Precipitation (Daily) Multi-Network Composite

    The Daily Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., Minnesota Precipitation Network daily precipitation, National Centers for Environmental Prediction...
  • COCOnet GPS receiver observational, navigation, and meteorological data

    COCONet (Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network), a network of GPS receiver stations in the pan-Caribbean region, will aid the monitoring, understanding, and...
  • 3D-PAWS Surface Meteorological Data

    This data set includes the one minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the 3D-PAWS (3D-Printed Automatic Weather Station) meteorological stations around the...
  • ASOS 5 Minute Data

    This data set contains the 5-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...
  • ABLE Precipitation and IRT Data

    This data set contains land surface temperature and precipitation measurements from an Argonne National Laboratory ABLE (Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments) Automated...
  • Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Precipitation Data

    This data set contains the gridded precipitation data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system for days that...
  • CCOPE-2015 Arauco Surface Meteorological Station Data

    This dataset contains data from an automated surface meteorological station deployed at Arauco, Chile during the 2015 Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment...
  • Northwest Mexico NAME Event Raingage Network (NERN) 12 Hourly Data

    This dataset contains 12 hourly precipitation data from the NAME Event Raingage Network (NERN). This raingage network consists of 100 tipping bucket raingages that have been...
  • Eta Model (PC-GRIDS)

    Selected eta model outputs captured during STORM-FEST in PC-GRIDS format. The output includes pressure, geopotential height, temperature, specific humidity, u and v wind...
  • UAH SWIRLL BERM Site Surface Meteorology Data

    This data set contains surface meteorological observations at five second temporal resolution from the surface meteorological tower located at the University of...
  • NOAA/ATDD Bondville, Illinois Long Term Flux Site

    The NOAA/ATDD (Tilden Meyers) started operation of a long term flux monitoring site near Bondville, Illinois in 1996. Half-hourly observations of wind speed and direction, air...
  • NOAA/NCEP GFS Model Forecast Imagery

    This data set contains the several forecast image products from the NOAA/NCEP GFS model. The products include 300mb heights/wind, 500mb heights/vorticity/wind, 700 mb...
  • Model ECMWF Column Output (netCDF) [Bretherton, C.]

    This dataset contains column model output from the ECMWF for a chosen model gridpoint nearest the location of the SHEBA Ice Camp. This dataset contains all model output...
  • ASOS 5 Minute Data

    This data set contains the 5-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...
  • ASOS 1 Minute Data

    This data set contains the 1-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...