R/V Ron Brown SCS Data - Leg 1
This dataset contains data from the two 'messages' requested for recording by the EPIC group (WHOI-ETL and RAIN). The data are at 2-s time resolution and there are...- dataset ASCII
CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum MRR-2 raw data
This dataset contains raw data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) installed at the climate sentinel in the Arboretum forest reserve (ARBO), about...- dataset ASCII
New York State Mesonet Surface Meteorological Data for IMPACTS_2022
Surface meteorological data at five minute temporal resolution from the weather stations that comprise the New York State Mesonet. Data are available in either NetCDF format for...- dataset NetCDF
ASOS 5-Minute Data
This data set contains ASOS 5 minute data. The individual station files are contained in a single tar file for each of the two months, May and June. There is a gap in the data...- dataset Archive
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations
This dataset contains the original National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the NAME Tier 3 domain. The observations in this dataset...- dataset ASCII
High Plains Climate Network Data in QC Format
This dataset contains hourly surface observations from the High Plains Climate Network. A total of 94 stations reported within the CASES-99 domain. No additional quality control...- dataset ASCII
5-minute ISFS Surface Met and Flux from AABC site
These data contain surface meteorology measurements of the Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS), at the Alabama Aquatic...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA Wind Profiler Network Hourly Surface Meteorological Data
This dataset contains the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 405 MHZ Wind Profiler Network (NPN) hourly surface data in JOSS Quality Control format from 2...- dataset ASCII
LBA: Caxiuana Hourly Surface Meteorology, Flux, and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 1 (EOP-1) Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia...- dataset ASCII
IMK 7.0km COSMO Model Imagery on Domain 2 Using IFS Boundary Conditions
This data set contains COSMO (Consortium for Small Scale Modeling) model forecast imagery from the 7.0 km resolution version of the model on domain 2 (invest) and using the...- dataset Archive
CAMP: Himalayas Hourly Surface Meteorology, Flux, and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 1 (EOP-1) CEOP related Asian Monsoon Experiment (CAMP) Himalayas...- dataset ASCII
COPS-91: PAM-II Data [CMF]
This dataset is a single tar file of data from 15 widely spaced PAM-II stations, seven of which were clustered near Norman, Oklahoma.- dataset ASCII
RSMAS UMCM JMA Initial Condition Forecast Imagery
This data set contains RSMAS UMCM model (using JMA initial boundary conditions) forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include 500mb height/RH, rain rate and...- dataset Image
NAVY NOGAPS Global Imagery
This dataset contains 12 hour forecast imagery created from 1 degree gridded model output.- dataset Image
CPTEC (Brazil) Reanalysis Subset of Global Model
This data set is provided by the CPTEC/INPE-Brazil and contains the Forecast Products model Reanalysis output data (control and data files) as part of the South American Low...- dataset GRIB
COAGMET Hourly Surface Data
The Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (COAGMET) Hourly Surface Data is one of several surface datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown SCS Data - Leg 2
This dataset contains data from the two 'messages' requested for recording by the EPIC group (WHOI-ETL and RAIN). The data are at 2-s time resolution and there are...- dataset ASCII
CFI Climate Sentinels Pressure, Wind, Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Pre...
The Sentinel Non-Radiation MetData provided in situ measurements of meteorological variables (such as 2-meter temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and...- dataset NetCDF
Toolik Daily Average Weather Data [Shaver, G.]
This data set contains daily weather data from the Arctic Tundra Long Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) site at Toolik Lake. Included are daily averages and/or maximums...- dataset ASCII
Precipitation (Daily) Multi-Network Composite
The Daily Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., National Centers for Environmental Prediction daily precipitation, National Weather Service...- dataset ASCII