GAPP: Bondville Flux Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 and 4 (EOP-3 and EOP-4) Global Energy and Water Cycle...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Skin Temperature Composite
The GCIP/NESOB-96 Surface: Skin Temperature Composite dataset is composed of 30 minute observations of skin temperaturesderived from 3 sources. These are: Department of Energy...- dataset ASCII
HPC North America Surface Analysis Imagery
The HPC North America Surface Analysis Imagery (GIF)is one of several surface products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus PhaseII:...- dataset Image
GTS Surface Hourly Observations
The ACE-ASIA Surface: GTS Surface Hourly Observations are online data. Data is in GEMPAK format.- dataset GEMPAK
NCEP Daily Gage Precipitation Data Set
The Climate Prediction Center (CPC), a component of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) acquires gage-based precipitation reports in near real-time from...- dataset ASCII
BALTEX: Cabauw Meteorological Tower Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) Cabauw 30 minute Meteorological Tower Data Set. This data...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Integrated Precipitable Water Data
This dataset contains 30 minute GPS precipitable water vapor data of the IHOP region.- dataset ASCII
LAI and NDVI Meas. - Franklin Bluffs MNT Site (Excel) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains leaf area index (LAI) measurements taken at peak biomass at the Franklin Bluffs MNT site on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, in 2000. This dataset also contains...- dataset Excel
MIPS Hot Plate Data
This data set contains hotplate measurements of liquid equivalent snowfall rates, temperature and wind speed collected coincident with the University of Alabama-Huntsville MIPS...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Moist Tundra Ecosystem Flux [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
This dataset represents four growing seasons (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000) of net carbon dioxide exchange between the moist acidic tussock tundra, dry heath tundra, and the...- dataset ASCII
Northwest Mexico NAME Event Raingage Network (NERN) 15 Minute Data
This dataset contains 15 minute precipitation data from the NAME Event Raingage Network (NERN). This raingage network consists of 100 tipping bucket raingages that have been...- dataset Archive
NOAA R/V Ka'imimoana Ship Observations
This dataset contains text file observations of conditions recorded on the NOAA Research Vessel Ka'imimoana for the period and area of the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/EOL ISS Surface Meteorology Data (Monticello)
This dataset contains surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the Monticello site (ISS3) in central Illinois during the...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL 5 minute Quality Controlled ISFF data
This dataset contains 5 minute averaged NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux Facility (ISFF) data collected during the Hudson Valley Ambient Meteorology Study (HVAMS) project of...- dataset NetCDF
PCAPS ISS WXT Surface Meteorology Data
This dataset contains surface meteorology data collected by the WXT sensor at the Integrated Sounding System 3 (ISS3) site during the Persistent Cold-Air Pool Study (PCAPS) from...- dataset Archive
Council Climate Data - Forest Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the forest area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
UAH MAX Surface Meteorology Data
This data set contains surface meteorological observations at one second temporal resolution from the surface meteorological tower co-located with the University of...- dataset Archive
Straka Mobile Mesonet
This dataset contains the Mobile Mesonet data collected by Straka of OU. Each file contains the mobile mesonet data for each vehicle (P8) for one day. Files ending in .qcd have...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, CLIP 4-TF 2 Community Data [Alatalo]
This dataset contains CLIP 4-TF 2 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 & 2000. The Community Level Interaction Program (CLIP) data...- dataset ASCII
GCIP/ESOP-95 Surface: Hourly Precipitation Composite
The Hourly Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center, National Climatic Data Center Hourly Precipitation data,...- dataset ASCII