HIPPO Combined Discrete Flask and GC Sample GHG, Halocarbon, and Hydrocarbon ...
This data set contains the results of analyses of discrete samples and the analyses of flask samples for all Missions, 1 through 5, of the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations...- dataset ASCII
ACCLIP NSF/NCAR GV Instrument Data Merges - AWAS-based
The AWAS-based merger of the data from the instrumentation that was onboard the NSF/NCAR GV aircraft for the ACCLIP campaign. The AWAS (Advanced Whole Air Sampler) data are the...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Aerosol Dicarboxylic Acids, Fatty-acids and Levoglucosan
This data set contains aerosol sampling data for major oxygenated organic compounds. The aeorsol particles were collected on quartz fiber filters using a high volume air sampler...- dataset ASCII
ATOFMS (Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry)
This data set includes aerosol size and chemical composition data obtained using the aircraft aerosol-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (A-ATOFMS) during clear air and...- dataset ASCII
Gosan (Kosan) Aerosol mass and carbon species analyses
This data set contains the results of mass and carbon species analyses of aerosol samples collected at the ACE-Asia surface site Gosan(Kosan) at Jeju Island, Korea.- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Aerosol Sub- and super-micron elemental and organic carbon (net...
This dataset contains aerosol sub- and super-micron elemental and organic carbon measurements taken aboard the Ron Brown ship during the ACE-Asia field project. This dataset...- dataset PDF
Gosan (Kosan) Chemistry PM1; PM2.5; TSP Total, EC, OC Mass (excel)
This data set includes the total suspended particulate (TSP), PM2.5, and PM1.0 mass, elemental carbon, and organic carbon concentrations collected from the Gosan Supersite...- dataset Excel
UW CIMS (Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer) Organic Nitrogen and Phenolic...
UW CIMS (Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer) Organic Nitrogen and Phenolics Data collected from NSF/NCAR C-130 flights during the WE-CAN (Western Wildfire Experiment for...- dataset ASCII
ACCLIP NSF/NCAR GV Instrument Data Merges - GTCIMS-based
The GTCIMS-based merger of the data from the instrumentation that was onboard the NSF/NCAR GV aircraft for the ACCLIP campaign. The GTCIMS (Georgia Tech Chemical Ionization Mass...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
60s Merged dataset of all C-130 observations and GEOS-Chem near-realtime simu...
This dataset contains all Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) C-130 observations merged at the 1 minute time steps. In addition to the...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR C-130 Aerosol composition from AMS: NO3, SO4, NH4 and ORGANICS
This data set contains Non-refractory aerosol composition from the Aerodyne AMS on the NCAR C-130. Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer operating in V-mode, with heater near 600...- dataset ASCII
SOCRATES and CAPRICORN-2 Single Particle INP Composition via STEM/EDS
Contains the size, type and fraction of all aerosol particle types acting as ice nucleating particles (INPs) that were collected in the Colorado State University Continuous Flow...- dataset ASCII
Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer 1-Second Data
This dataset contains non-refractory, chemical speciated submicron particulate chemical mass data taken aboard the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR C-130 Cloud Water Chemistry Data
Cloud water chemsitry data from samples collected during VOCALS-Rex on the NSF C-130. Sample collection took place from 2004 October 14 to 2004 November 14.- dataset Excel
ACCLIP NSF/NCAR GV Instrument Data Merges - TOGA-based
The TOGA-based merger of the data from the instrumentation that was onboard the NSF/NCAR GV aircraft for the ACCLIP campaign. The TOGA (Trace Organic Gas Analyzer) data are the...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
NASA DC-8 1 Second Data Merge
This data set contains NASA DC-8 1 Second Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012. These...- dataset ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter aerosol particle organic and elemental carbon (OCEC)
Airborne levels of carboneous aerosols were measured using the Twin Otter aircraft during ACE-Asia. Samples were collected onboard a modified De Havillan DHC-6 Twin Otter...- dataset ASCII Image
R/V Ron Brown Aerosol Sub- and super-micron elemental and organic carbon (ASCII)
This dataset contains aerosol sub- and super-micron elemental and organic carbon measurements taken aboard the Ron Brown ship during the ACE-Asia field project. This dataset...- dataset PDF ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
Airborne measurements of aerosol phase sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and organics were made using an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS). The AMS operated successfully on 15...- dataset Archive
Aerodyne AML-MOBILE Data
Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Atmospheric Composition during the WE-CAN/FIREX (Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol, Absorption and Nitrogen)...- dataset ASCII