Chukchi Sea Hydrographic (CTD) Data from the R.V. Alpha Helix Cruise, Septemb...
In an international collaborative effort, Japanese, Russian, and U.S. scientists collected hydrographic Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) samples in the Chukchi Sea north...- dataset ASCII Archive Image
HLY-02-01,03 Oxygen-8/Oxygen-16 Ratios (Excel) [Cooper, L., and J. Grebmeier]
This data set contains measurements of the ratios of oxygen-18 / oxygen-16 in bottle samples of seawater collected from the Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) rosette on two...- dataset Excel
SBI Cruise HLY0203 merged bottle dataset
This data set contains merged bottle data from the SBI cruise on the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy (HLY0203). During this cruise rosette casts were conducted...- dataset ASCII
SCICEX Hydrographic Data, 1997 and 1998
The Scientific Ice Expeditions (SCICEX) Program was a series of five multidisciplinary scientific cruises that utilized US Navy operational submarines as platforms for sampling...- dataset Archive Image
Sir Wilfrid Laurier (SWL) Cruise Merged Chemistry Parameters (2005)
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2005....- dataset Excel
Moored Profiler Observations 2002-2003 from the Beaufort Shelf Edge Mooring A...
This data set contains underwater profile data gathered from the Beaufort Shelf Edge Mooring Array which was deployed in July 2002 and August of 2002 and recovered in September...- dataset Archive
DY14 CTD Profile Data
This dataset contains oceanographic Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) profiles collected aboard the NOAAS Oscar Dyson in the northern Bering Sea during 2014. Data were...- dataset ASCII
North Pole Bottom Pressure Records
This archive contains the records for Arctic Bottom Pressure Recorders (ABPR) #1 and #3 installed near the North Pole in April 2005 in about 4300 meters of water. The format of...- dataset ASCII
North Pole Environmental Observatory (NPEO) Seawater Chemistry, 2000-2005
This data set includes diverse measurements of seawater chemistry along with supplementary Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD); pressure; salinity; potential temperature; and...- dataset Archive
CTD Summary Data
This dataset includes extracted summary data from 12000+ Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) casts conducted in the northern Bering, Chukchi, and southern Beaufort Seas from...- dataset ASCII Archive
SWL14 Bottle data
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2014....- dataset Excel
Time depth recorder (TDR) data from little auks, Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen
This data set was derived from Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) time depth recorders (TDRs) which were affixed to provisioning little auks (Alle...- dataset Excel
SNACS: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Su...
This data set contains underway temperature, conductivity, depth, and pigment measurements conducted during the Study of the Northern Alaska Coastal System (SNACS) cruise,...- dataset Excel
Chukchi Mooring Data [Woodgate, R.]
This is an archive of data from 13 moorings deployed in the Chukchi Sea from Autumn 1990 to Autumn 1991. In each case, instruments are deployed ca. 8-10m above bottom.- dataset Archive
HLY-04-04 Service Group Bottle Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This data set consists of Bottle Data in WHP Format from the 2004 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Mooring Cruise (HLY-04-04). These data are in a single comma-delimited...- dataset ASCII
SBI Cruise HLY0403 merged bottle dataset
This data set contains merged bottle data from the SBI cruise on the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY0403. During this cruise rosette casts were conducted and...- dataset ASCII
DYNAMO Sub-Surface Mooring Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the oceanographic data from the three DYNAMO sub-surface moorings that was located in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
Sir Wilfrid Laurier (SWL) Cruise Merged Chemistry Parameters (2000)
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July-August...- dataset Excel
SWL10 Bottle data
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2010....- dataset Excel
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 2013 CTD Data ...
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD. The data were collected aboard the R/V Mirai along the line DBO 5 on September 3-4, 2013....- dataset ASCII