Marine Regions Boundary Data for the Bering Sea Shelf and Slope
This dataset contains data and documentation on the agreed-upon marine region boundaries for the Bering Sea Project study area. These data are intended to facilitate analysis...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII XML
Depth-integrated midwater pollock biomass in June, July, and August 2010 (B62)
This data set contains measurements of midwater walleye pollock biomass during annual or biennial acoustic-trawl surveys conducted by the Midwater Assessment and Conservation...- dataset XML ASCII
2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Emmonak, Togiak, and Akutan, A...
This dataset contains monitoring results of the subsistence harvest of numerous natural resources between January and December of 2008 in the communities of Emmonak, Togiak and...- dataset Excel XML
BASIS survey acoustics, 2008-2010 (B59)
The 2008-2010 Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) surveys were conducted on the Bering Sea shelf (~30 m to 500 m depth ranges) in August-October aboard the RV...- dataset Excel XML
Seabird Broad-Scale Distribution, 2008 (B64)
This dataset examines seabird (and marine mammal) distribution relative to oceanographic and biological features of the Bering Sea. It examines the current influence of...- dataset Excel OTHER XML
Retrospective data on Fish, Birds, Mammals (B68)
This dataset (1) quantifies past patterns of variability and covariation among time series of productivity of selected fish, seabird, and marine mammal species; (2) tests...- dataset Excel XML
Pelagic distribution and abundance of seabirds in the PROBES area
This data set includes data from the PROBES area, gathered by multiple observers in multiple projects, since 1975. The data were gathered in strip transects, generally 300 m...- dataset ASCII
HLY-06-01 Observations of Marine Mammals of Beringia [Ray, G.C.]
This dataset contains marine mammal observations onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the 2006 0601 cruise. The objective of this project has been to observe marine...- dataset Excel ASCII Image
HLY-07-01 and HLY-07-02 Observations of Marine Mammals of Beringia [Ray, G.C.]
This dataset contains marine mammal observations onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset Excel ASCII Image
HLY-08-01 and HLY-08-02 Observations of Marine Mammals of Beringia [Ray, G.C.]
This dataset contains marine mammal observations onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset Excel ASCII Image
Oil Industry Fisheries Data
The primary object of the fish trawl assessment program is to estimate the relative abundance (numbers) and biomass (weight), species composition, and biological information on...- dataset Archive
ANIMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine bioaccumulation chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for concentrations of metals (Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,...- dataset Excel ASCII
Reindeer Herder Annual Migration Routes in Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian F...
This dataset consists of shapefile format files for mapserver that provide information on the reindeer brigades routes of the indigenous peoples in Nenets Autonomous Okrug,...- dataset Archive
Oil Industry Marine Mammal Monitoring Data
This dataset contains vessel-based marine mammal observation data collected in the Chukchi Sea. The 2006 data was collected as part of the Joint Monitoring Program during...- dataset Archive
Walrus Monthly Foraging Utilization Distribution in the Chukchi Sea: 2008-201...
This dataset describes Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) utilization of the Chukchi sea by tracking walruses and their hourly foraging behavior from June through...- dataset Archive
Oil Industry Passive Acoustics Data [Hannay]
The acoustics monitoring program is designed to measure underwater ambient and industrial noise levels, and to detect and classify species of vocalizing marine mammals over a...- dataset Archive
WEBSEC-72 Trawl Data [Bluhm]
This data set represents the results of a data rescue effort focused on epibenthic invertebrates and fishes sampled by trawls by Dr. Andrew Carey in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
cANIMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine bioaccumulation chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for concentrations in biota of metals (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni,...- dataset Excel ASCII
Oil Industry Marine Mammal Aerial Data
This data set was collected as part of the Joint Monitoring Program during seismic activities in the Chukchi Sea in summer and fall of 2006. The objective of the aerial surveys...- dataset Archive
Oil Industry Seabirds Data
The seabird ecology component collects data on the distribution and abundance of seabirds in the northeastern Chukchi Sea in the vicinity of several oil and gas lease areas and...- dataset Archive