Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) CTD Yoyo Cast Analysis Time (ASCII) (PSC) [Morison, J.]
This data set contains data from a PRELIMINARY analysis of every 10th downcast of the yoyo Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) between the start of SHEBA and the end of January...- dataset ASCII
R/V Discoverer CTD Data
This dataset contains measurements of pressure, temperature, conductivity, depth, salinity, chlorophyll, and density obtained by a CTD device aboard the R/V Discoverer during...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (AS...
This data set contains measurements of benthic parameters, including bottom water temperature and salinity, bottom water chlorophyll-a concentrations, integrated water column...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Oceanographic Be-7 Measurements [Kadko, D.]
This dataset contains Be-7 concentrations for stations occupied during October 1997 and June through October 1998. For each sample, approximately 700 L of seawater from the...- dataset ASCII
Beaufort Gyre IOEB Data 1992-1998 (DOS format) [Krishfield, R.]
This dataset consists of sensor data collected aboard buoys in the Beaufort sea. The sensor data are prefiltered, combined, adjusted for buoy drift and screened with a Gaussian...- dataset Archive
These Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) profile data were collected as part of the Bering Arctic Subarctic Integrated Surveys (BASIS) cruises in the eastern Bering Sea...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown CTD - Leg 2
This Dataset consists of Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) system data collected during the EPIC cruise of the NOAA Ship Ron Brown.- dataset ASCII
HX260 CTD Data
This is calibrated Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) downcast data from the Alpha Helix Cruise, mooring recovery and redeployment cruise June 2002. Data were post...- dataset OTHER ASCII
Textural Size Data for Core P1 taken at P1-92-AR [Darby, D.]
This dataset contains textural size mineralogy data for core P1 taken at P1-92-AR. The data include size information and various geologic measurements and analyses. The core was...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
HLY-02-03 Mesozooplankton Grazing Rates (Excel) [Campbell, R. and C. Ashjian]
This data set contains mesozooplankton grazing rates measured in ship-board incubations conducted during the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Process cruises. Each data...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-03 226Ra and 228Ra Data (Excel) [Kadko, D.]
This dataset contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occuring isotopes 226Ra and 228Ra. Because 228Ra (T1/2= 5.77y) is derived through input from...- dataset Excel
HLY-04-04 ADCP Data (10-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
DYNAMO Sub-Surface Mooring Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the oceanographic data from the three DYNAMO sub-surface moorings that was located in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
HLY-03-03 ADCP Data (5-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
Oshoro-Maru XCTD and CTD Data for DBO3 July 2013
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD and a Sippican XCTD-1. The data were collected aboard the R/V Oshoro-Maru along the line DBO...- dataset ASCII
TMI 3-Day Average Satellite Imagery
The data set contains TRMM TMI derived 3-day average imagery of water vapor, cloud liquid water, SST and 11 and 37GHz channel surface wind speed. These images were created by...- dataset Image
HLY-02-01 Radium Isotope Data (Excel) [Kadko, D.]
This data set contains measurements of 228RA and 226Ra Radium Isotopes from the SBI Spring 2002 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-01). Data are provided as an...- dataset Excel
Western Arctic Benthic Community Structure and Biomass [Dunton K., J. Grebmei...
This dataset consists of compiled benthic biomass from the northern Bering, Chukchi, East Siberian and Beaufort seas for input into ArcView, a Geographical Information System....- dataset OTHER
R/V Ron Brown SST and Salinity (ASCII)
This dataset contains sea surface temperature and salinity measurements taken on board the Ron Brown Ship during the ACE-Asia project, March-April 2001. This data is in ASCII...- dataset ASCII
Alpha Helix 2000 Bering Strait Cruise Underway Data [Aagaard, K., R. Woodgate...
This data set contains unedited underway data from the Alpha Helix Cruise, mooring recovery and redeployment cruise during August and September 2000. These data have not been...- dataset ASCII