R/V Discoverer Aerosol Size Distributions Data (Leg 2 - aps)
This dataset consists of Aerosol Size Distributions Data collected aboard the R/V Discoverer by P. Quinn (NOAA/PMEL) during ACE-1. The data are compiled in 30 minute averages...- dataset ASCII
Cape Grim Particle Size Distribution Data
This dataset contains continuous measurements of Particle Size Distribution data collected at Cape Grim during ACE-1 by A. Wiedensohler and F. Stratmann (Institute for...- dataset ASCII
ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products
ISFS towered surface meteorology and flux data collected during the Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity horizontal array turbulence study (M2HATS). 5-minute averages and high...- dataset NetCDF
Darwin Allied Vision Camera Video Data
This dataset contains video and images from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in Darwin, Australia. The data is from...- dataset Archive
CP4 Doppler Radar cfRadial format. Daily tar archives. [NCAR]
This dataset contains CP4 Doppler radar data collected during the STORM Fronts Experiment Systems Test (STORM-FEST) from 2 February 1992 to 13 March 1992. These data are in...- dataset NetCDF
Cloud Slides
This dataset includes color slides of cloud footage during Phases I and II as well as the Inter Phase. Data were collected during the Global Atmospheric Research Program's...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Guam WSR-88D Level III Radar Data
This data set contains Level III radar data from the WSR-88D radar located at Andersen Air Force Base on Guam. The data cover the period from 1 August to 6 October 2008. The...- dataset Archive
WRF 1KM Mixing Ratio Forecast Imagery
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 1 kilometer mixing ratio forecast imagery. The imagery contains cloud water, rain water, snow, and Graupel mixing...- dataset Image
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) QueenAir, B-80 aircraft (Tail Number: N306D) during the Marine Stratus...- dataset GENPRO
NASA DC-8 In-situ Particle Size Distributions from the TSI APS data
This data set contains NASA DC-8 Langley Aerosol Research Group Experiment (LARGE) Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) PSL In-situ Particle Size Distributions Data collected during...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF Global T399 Forecast Products
This dataset contains ECMWF Global T399 Forecast Products produced during the VOCALS project. The files are in .gif format and cover the time period from October 01, 2008 to...- dataset Image
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, DORADE
S-Pol data from the Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification Experiment (IMPROVE) . These data are in dorade format and are available as...- dataset Archive
NCAR GV-HSRL lidar data, NetCDF
High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) data collected aboard the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER (Gulfstream-V High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research)...- dataset NetCDF
2003 CHILL-TEX Raw Flight Data
The armored T-28 aircraft was flown by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). The data from these flights were collected by SDSMT under agreement with the...- dataset Archive
GOES-10 Cloud-Top Height (ZTOP) Imagery
This dataset contains Cloud-Top Height (ZTOP) Imagery. The files are GIF images for the period and area of the VOCALS project.- dataset Image
SPEC Learjet Instrument Data
State and Cloud microphysics data collected on board the SPEC Learjet 35 during the ESCAPE (Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation, and Environment) field...- dataset Archive
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows...- dataset NetCDF
DMSP SSM/I Daily Cloud Liquid Water Imagery
Gif images of retrieved (column integrated) cloud liquid water products computed (Weng algorithm) daily at a spatial resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 degrees. Data are from SSM/I...- dataset Image
ETA 218 Model Output
This dataset contains full grid ETA 218 model data collected during the Cumulus Photogrammetric, In-Situ and Doppler Observations (CuPIDO) project.- dataset GRIB
NCAR/NSF C-130 Aerosol Cloud Particle 2D-S Data
For the 2D-S in RICO the size distribution and some basic scalar quantities are archived at 1 Hz. Two different estimates of the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) are calculated...- dataset ASCII