Seabeam Bathymetry Imagery by Station - HLY-02-03 [USCG]
This data set contains .png SeaBeam bathymetry images for each station along the HLY-02-03 cruise. Please note that events marked on the plots correspond to specific sampling...- dataset Image
IMK 2.8km COSMO Model Imagery on Domain 2 Using IFS Boundary Conditions
This data set contains COSMO (Consortium for Small Scale Modeling) model forecast imagery from the 2.8 km resolution version of the model on domain 2 (invest) and using the...- dataset Archive
NBP03-04a Service Group Bottle Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This dataset consists of Bottle Data in WHP Format from the 2003 Survey Cruise of the Nathaniel B. Palmer ship (NBP03-04A).- dataset ASCII
ECMWF Ocean Products Imagery
This dataset contains ECMWF Ocean Products Imagery. The files are jpg images for the period and area of the VOCALS project. There are three types of images Salinity,...- dataset Image
NOAA R/V Ron Brown DMS Sea-to-Air Flux and Transfer Velocity Data
This data set contains the atmospheric DMS concentration, sea-to-air flux, and transfer velocity measurements from the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown, on the STRATUS cruise during...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Hydrographic Data Section Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by section collected during the Summer 2002 United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-03). The plots are...- dataset Archive
HLY-02-03 ADCP Data (10-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
NOAA P-3 Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters - Standard Tape Format
The SALLJEX Aircraft: P-3 Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters dataset in NOAA/AOC Standard Tape format is one of several datasets archived by the National Center for...- dataset Binary PDF
AWS-02-I Hydrographic Data Product, Calculated Parameters [Swift, J. et al.]
This dataset contains additional parameters calculated for bottle samples obtained during the 2002 Polar Star Mooring cruise (AWS-02-1). These additional parameters are...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 Underway Data
This data set contains SCS Data files created aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy during the Summer 2004 Process cruise by the Coast Guard underway data logging...- dataset Archive Binary ASCII
NOAA R/V Ron Brown X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Data
This file contains the X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Data from NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown ship during VOCALS-REx 2008.- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Pigment Data (ASCII) ...
This data set includes pigment analyses using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method proposed by Wright et. al. (1991). Samples were collected at the surface...- dataset ASCII
Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics (ASCII) [Dunton, K.]
Biological material from three levels in the ocean (POM, plankton, benthos) was collected to determine the natural abundance of d13C (carbon) and d15N (nitrogen). Isotope data...- dataset ASCII
Chukchi Sea Sediment Core Lipid Analysis, Station C1 (ASCII) [Harvey, R.]
This data set represents an analysis of fatty acids and neutral lipids in sediments from an undisturbed core taken with a box corer during September 1993. These data are in...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-01 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Pigment Data [Hill, V.]
This data set contains data collected during the Spring SBI 2002 cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy (HLY-02-01). Samples were collected at 6 depths...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Sediment Core Lipid Analysis - Station 23 (ASCII) [Harvey, R.]
This data set represents an analysis of fatty acids and neutral lipids in sediments from an undisturbed core taken with a box corer during the 2002 United States Coast Guard...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (AS...
This data set contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, including bottom water parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen, delta 18O), benthic...- dataset ASCII
SWL10 Bottle data
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2010....- dataset Excel
GDAS Analysis (initial data)
This dataset contains the initial and boundary conditions in GRIB format files to be used as input to the models. SALLJEX was funded by NOAA/OGP, NSF(ATM0106776) and funding...- dataset GRIB
HLY-04-04 ADCP Data (2-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII