JGOFS Biogeochemical Properties in the Ocean Mixed Layer
Field measurements of nutrients, chlorophyll, primary production, bacteria, HPLC pigments, and other biogeochemical parameters are compiled for nine JGOFS time-series and...- dataset ASCII
NCAR CESM Global Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Output to Support WRF/MPAS Research
This dataset includes global bias-corrected climate model output data from version 1 of NCAR's Community Earth System Model (CESM1) that participated in phase 5 of the Coupled...- dataset Binary
Global Ocean Surface Temperature Atlas (GOSTA), and Land Surface Atlas
GOSTAplus (Atlas 8) and the Blended Land Surface and SST Atlas were taked from the GOSTAplus CDROM received at NCAR February 1998. The period of record for these grids is...- dataset ASCII
NMC MRF Global Flux Fields, daily 1990Mar-1999Feb
Fields from MRF analyses, four times per day, plus 12-, 24- and 36-hour forecasts.- dataset GRIB
NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) Monthly Products, January 1979...
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) was initially completed over the 31-year period from 1979 to 2009 and has been...- dataset GRIB
NMC ADP Global Surface Observations Subsets
Intended for area subsets extracted from ds464.0 by DSS. Presently just for Greenland, January 1978 to May 1999.- dataset ASCII
U.S.S.R. Surface 6- and 3-hourly Surface Synoptic Observations 1936-1983
This dataset contains daily 6-hourly and 3-hourly surface observations for many U.S.S.R. stations for January 1936 to December 1983.- dataset ASCII
Kuwait Oil Fires Archive, 1991
This is data extracted from various NCEP observed and analyzed datasets and then put in our RPTOUT format to support the Kuwait Oil Fires studies.- dataset Binary ASCII
Mean hydrographic analyses of the North Atlantic, by Fukumori
Hydrography analysis for the North Atlantic ocean including temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based on data from 1981-1985.- dataset ASCII
NODC EPOCS Drifting Buoy Observations
These drifting buoy data, collected for the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS), contain sea-surface temperature data at six-hourly intervals.- dataset ASCII
Ship Observations from the JMA Kobe Collection
Ship logbook data digitized from the Kobe collection, by programs sponsored by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), and the Nippon Foundation.- dataset Binary ASCII
GARP DST III Global Tropospheric and Stratospheric Analyses, some 1974May-197...
Analyses of data collected during the GARP DST III period.- dataset Binary
Global Sea Ice and SST (GISST) Analyses, from the Hadley Centre for Climate P...
NOTE: The GISST time series will be discontinued on February 2003. HadISST [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds277.3/], also from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and...- dataset ASCII
South African Southern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses, daily from August 19...
From the Republic of South Africa Weather Bureau, twice daily Southern Hemisphere grids on a polar stereographic projection. Unless you have a special interest in this dataset,...- dataset Binary
Japanese 25-year Reanalysis Project
The Japanese 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25) represents the first long-term global atmospheric reanalysis undertaken in Asia. Covering the period 1979-2004, it was completed using...- dataset GRIB
International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Release 2.5, I...
This dataset is superseded by ICOADS Release 3, Individual Observations [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds548.0/]. The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set...- dataset Binary
International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Release 3, Mon...
The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) is a global ocean marine meteorological and surface ocean dataset. It is formed by merging many national and...- dataset Binary
Shea's Climatology Atlas, 1950-1979 (from DSS sets)
A monthly climatology of sea-level pressure, sea-surface temperature, surface temperature, and precipitation on a 2.5-degree global grid for the 30-year period from 1950 to 1979.- dataset ASCII
ERA5.1: Corrections to ERA5 Stratospheric Temperature 2000-2006
In ECMWF Technical Memo 859 released in January 2020, Simmons and his coauthors report that "the ERA5 analyses of lower stratospheric temperature exhibit a pronounced cold bias...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
Global (60N-60S) Monthly Temperature Anomaly and Heat Storage, by White
Grids of temperature from XBT's taken during 1950-1993 were used to construct grids on 11 levels from 0 to 400 meters.- dataset ASCII