Thaw Depth, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 1995 and 1996
Thaw depths were measured at the Toolik Lake Field Station during the summers of 1995 and 1996. Measurements were made on control plots, plots from which snow was removed, and...- dataset Excel ASCII
Agashashok White Spruce Branch Growth 2005-2008
This dataset includes retrospective measurements of white spruce branch extension growth (mm) made at breast height (4 measurements from each tree) during late August of 2008....- dataset ASCII
Babe Creek Summit Tree Ring Data [Wolken, J.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements of annual ring width for...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Soil Properties of Carbon-Flux Monitoring Sites in Northwestern Alaska
This data set includes basic soils data collected in summer 1995 for ten Arctic System Science/Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interaction (ARCSS/LAII) carbon-flux monitoring sites, and...- dataset Excel
TDR results from Little Auks at Kap Hoegh colony 2007
This dataset includes time depth recorder (TDR) data from deployments on chick-rearing little auks (Alle alle) in Kap Höegh, Eastern Greenland in July 2007. We attached...- dataset PDF
Air Temperature and Thaw Depth, North Slope, Alaska: Field Measurements (1995...
This data product contains field data measurements of air temperatures and thaw depth (active-layer thickness) measured at locations in north-central Alaska, and modeled values...- dataset Archive
Low Arctic monitoring of plant community composition and dynamics
This dataset contains annual assessment of plant community composition and biomass production near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. These data derive from an ongoing experiment that...- dataset Excel ASCII
Halomethane and methane net fluxes in northern Alaskan tundra, Barrow and Too...
These data quantify fluxes of environmentally important trace gases between the coastal tundra and atmosphere, including methyl halides, chloroform and methane. The methyl...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Snowfence Experiment: 1994-2002 Active Layer Depth
This data set contains active layer data collected for the Toolik Snowfence Experiment from 1994 to 2002. The Toolik Snowfence Experiment (part of the International Tundra...- dataset ASCII
Humans and Hydrology at High Latitudes: Water Use Information
This data set contains water use information for Canadian and Alaskan communities as well as general water-use estimates provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS)...- dataset Excel HTML PDF ASCII
Experimental freeze down of tundra soils
Samples were collected as part of a laboratory experiment assessing the effects of the rate of freezing and of the final temperature on soil nutrient dynamics and microbial...- dataset Excel
SNACS: Erosion Rates and Soil Physiochemical Properties in Northern Alaska Co...
This Dataset contains Erosion Rates and Soil Physiochemical Properties in Northern Alaska Coastline Photos and is part of the Collaborative Research: Flux and Transformation of...- dataset Image
Sea Ice Melt Ponds: Snow, SSL, and Pond Depths
Snow, surface scattering layer (SSL), or melt pond depths are measured by inserting a metal probe with centimeter gradations into the surface until it struck hard ice. Positive...- dataset Archive
Tree Growth Plots from Dry Mystery Creek Sites [Lloyd, A.]
This dataset contains an image of tree growth plots from Dry Mystery Creek sites.- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Cosmogenic 14C in Shallow Firn at Summit, Greenland
This small data set contains measurements of cosmogenic 14C-methane and 14C-carbon monoxide, performed on large-volume samples of shallow firn at Summit Station, Greenland.- dataset Excel ASCII
Measurements of little auks (Alle alle) at Kap Hoegh, Greenland in 2007
This dataset contains measurements at the Kap Hoegh, Greenland little auk colony in 2007. These data are chick growth measurements, productivity and attendance, morphometric...- dataset Excel
Rantin Lake, Yukon 10,900 - 3,100 YrBP Multiproxy Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Rantin Lake, southern Yukon, covering the interval 10,900 to 3,100 calendar years before present. Paleoenvironmental proxies...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Characterization of Potentially Jurassic-Age Mummified Organic Material, Elle...
This data set investigates the characteristics and spatial distribution of a mummified forest deposit in Quttinirpaaq National Park, Canada. Analyses include palynological...- dataset PDF Archive Image
Qalluuraq Lake, Alaska 12,000 Year Multiproxy Methane Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Qalluuraq Lake, Alaska, for the past 12,000 years. Paleoenvironmental proxies measured include stable isotopic ratios,...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Oxygen and Deuterium Isotope Measurements from Siberia, 2002-2004
Investigators performed a stable isotope analysis of rain, snow, the Kolyma River, and a local stream near Cherskii, Siberia from 30 June 2002 through 27 April 2004. As part of...- dataset Archive