MIPS Surface Meteorological Data
This data set contains surface meteorological data collected coincident with the MIPS profiling system during the PLOWS field seasons. Two different instrumentation setups were...- dataset ASCII
UAH MAPNet MoDLS Surface Meteorological Data
Data from the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet) Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS) 8-m retractable surface met tower...- dataset ASCII
METCRAX-II 30 second ISFS data, tilt corrected
This dataset contains 30 second ISFS data collected from 27 September to 2 November 2013 as part of the Meteor Crater Experiment II (METCRAX-II). These data are in NetCDF...- dataset NetCDF
Taiwan Wan-Li meteorological data
This dataset contains meteorological measurements on Shi-Men during the ACE-Asia field project.- dataset Archive
CPTEC Control Analysis (initial data for experiment 4)
This data set is provided by the CPTEC/INPE-Brazil and contains the initial and boundary conditions in binary files to be used as input to the models for experiment #4. A GRADS...- dataset GRIB ASCII
Ivotuk Climate Data - MNT Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the MNT site near Ivotuk gathered during the 1998 summer field season. Surface energy and trace gas exchange measurements were made at...- dataset Excel
NCAR/EOL ISS Surface Meteorology Data (Sounding Site at the Upper Orange Grove)
This dataset contains surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) Lufft WS800 that was located at the upper orange grove site in the...- dataset NetCDF
R/V Ron Brown SCS Data - Leg 1
This dataset contains data from the two 'messages' requested for recording by the EPIC group (WHOI-ETL and RAIN). The data are at 2-s time resolution and there are...- dataset ASCII
New York State Mesonet Surface Meteorological Data for IMPACTS_2022
Surface meteorological data at five minute temporal resolution from the weather stations that comprise the New York State Mesonet. Data are available in either NetCDF format for...- dataset NetCDF
ASOS 5-Minute Data
This data set contains ASOS 5 minute data. The individual station files are contained in a single tar file for each of the two months, May and June. There is a gap in the data...- dataset Archive
5-minute ISFS Surface Met and Flux from AABC site
These data contain surface meteorology measurements of the Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS), at the Alabama Aquatic...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA Wind Profiler Network Hourly Surface Meteorological Data
This dataset contains the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 405 MHZ Wind Profiler Network (NPN) hourly surface data in JOSS Quality Control format from 2...- dataset ASCII
LBA: Caxiuana Hourly Surface Meteorology, Flux, and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 1 (EOP-1) Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia...- dataset ASCII
CAMP: Himalayas Hourly Surface Meteorology, Flux, and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 1 (EOP-1) CEOP related Asian Monsoon Experiment (CAMP) Himalayas...- dataset ASCII
ASOS 1-Minute Data
This data set contains the 1-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...- dataset Archive
COPS-91: PAM-II Data [CMF]
This dataset is a single tar file of data from 15 widely spaced PAM-II stations, seven of which were clustered near Norman, Oklahoma.- dataset ASCII
CLAMPS2 Tower Data
These files contain 24 hour periods of brightness temperatures and retrieved liquid water path and precipitable water derived from observations collected by the CLAMPS2...- dataset NetCDF Image
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 3 Gridded Data
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 3 Gridded Data are included in this dataset for the MethaneAIR (Methane Source Quantification) 2021 Field Project. Data are included for the...- dataset Archive
CPTEC (Brazil) Reanalysis Subset of Global Model
This data set is provided by the CPTEC/INPE-Brazil and contains the Forecast Products model Reanalysis output data (control and data files) as part of the South American Low...- dataset GRIB
R/V Ron Brown SCS Data - Leg 2
This dataset contains data from the two 'messages' requested for recording by the EPIC group (WHOI-ETL and RAIN). The data are at 2-s time resolution and there are...- dataset ASCII