Toolik Daily Average Weather Data [Shaver, G.]
This data set contains daily weather data from the Arctic Tundra Long Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) site at Toolik Lake. Included are daily averages and/or maximums...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/EOL ISFS 5-minute Surface Meteorology and Flux Products - winds in theod...
5-minute surface meteorology and flux products collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System team during the Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT) field campaign in...- dataset NetCDF
Other: ARM NSA Radiosonde Data Set
This data set contains the radiosonde observations from the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA) ARM...- dataset Archive
Arizona Pima County ALERT Weather Station Data
This data set contains hourly weather station data from the Mesonet Arizona Pima county ALERT (Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time) weather station network. There are a...- dataset ASCII
ARM High Resolution Radiosonde Data
This data set contains rawinsonde profiles from five Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement - Clouds and Radiation (ARM-CART) sounding stations collected...- dataset ASCII
This data set contains data from the Forecast Systems Lab (FSL) Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) during the IHOP period. The data are in netCDF format.- dataset Archive
COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model Area 2 Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS adjoint forward model area 2 forecast imagery. The forecast products are available every six hours out to 72 hours. Products include...- dataset Image
ORCAS Merge Products
This dataset contains merge products for the measurements collected by the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER (Gulfstream-V High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental...- dataset ASCII
FASTEX soundings from Angmagssalik (Greenland)
This dataset consists of sounding data from Angmagssalik in Greenland (WMO 04360) which was operated by the Danish Meteorological Institute. Soundings were taken four times per...- dataset ASCII
Kansas Ground Water Management District #5 Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the Kansas Ground Water Management District (GWMD) #5 Network. The GWMD #5 network includes 10 stations...- dataset ASCII
Other: ARM TWP Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) 30...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GTS Rawinsonde Observations
This dataset consists of sounding data that were collected from the global network of regular reporting stations. This data represents mandatory and significant levels only. The...- dataset GEMPAK
Multi-Network Composite Highest Resolution Upper Air Data
This data set is a composite of radiosondes collected from 5 sounding platforms (see Section 2.3) during the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment 2...- dataset ASCII
CNES Falcon Navigation and State Parameters Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the 1Hz flight level data from the CNES SAFIRE Falcon for the flights during DYNAMO. The aircraft was based out of Gan Island, Maldives. The data are in...- dataset NetCDF
DOE ARM SGP 915 MHz Profiler Winds
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program operates a 915 MHz profiler site at the Central Facility and three intermediate facilities of its...- dataset NetCDF
University of Houston Flux Tower Data
This data set contains 1-min average of 10 HZ samples from the University of Houston~Rs flux tower during the T-REX field campaign. The time period covered by the data set is...- dataset ASCII
Vandenberg AFB Radiosonde Data
The United States Air Force (USAF) routinely releases radiosondes once per day at 12 UTC from its site at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) in Southern California (WMO ID 72393)....- dataset ASCII
ETA Forecast Product Imagery
This dataset contains ETA forecast product model imagery collected during the MILAGRO field project.- dataset Image
FASTEX soundings from Kuujjuaq (Canada)
This dataset consists of sounding data from Kuujjuaq, Canada (WMO 71906) which was operated by the Atmospheric Environment Service of Canada. Soundings were taken four times per...- dataset ASCII
National Weather Service High Resolution Radiosonde Data
The National Weather Service (NWS) routinely releases radiosondes at 00 and 12 UTC with occasional special releases at sites throughout the United States. This data set includes...- dataset ASCII