Latnjajaure Site, PAPP Cont 1 Community Data [Molau]
This dataset contains PAPP Cont 1 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998. The Press and Pulse Program (PAPP) experiment is comprised of...- dataset ASCII
Effects of Warming on a Low Arctic Ecosystem Plot 2 [Epstein]
This dataset measures the effects of warming on a low arctic ecosystem (Plot 2) from 1995-2005 as part of the ITEX experiment. Each ecosystem has one warming and one control....- dataset ASCII
Toolik Extractable Soil Nitrogen and Net Nitrogen Mineralization Data [Welker...
This dataset examines Nitrogen processes during the nongrowing season (fall, winter, and early spring) as a holistic perspective of Arctic biogeochemical cycles. The data is tab...- dataset ASCII
Boulder Workshop Clean Datasets [Walker]
This dataset contains all of the clean datasets that were submitted by March 15 from the Boulder Workshop, 2001. Note: upon ordering this data, all of the data files will be...- dataset Excel ASCII
IBP Microtopographic Grid Species Info Barrow [Webber]
This dataset contains data collected on plant species data from Webber's International Biological Program (IBP) microtopographic grid collected in 1973 and 1999 at Barrow,...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Snowfence Experiment: Active Layer Depth Data [Walker]
This dataset contains active layer data collected for the Toolik Snowfence Experiment from 1994-2001. For more information, see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
Toolik Snowfence Experiment: Snowfield Cassiope Tetragona Data [Walker]
This file contains Snowfield Cassiope Tetragona quantitative data collected for the Toolik Snowfence Experiment from 1996 to 2001. The Toolik Snowfence Experiment (part of the...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, PAPP Cont 4 Community Data [Molau]
This dataset contains PAPP Cont 4 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998. The Press and Pulse Program (PAPP) experiment is comprised of...- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 3: Point Framing Narrow Data [Ahlquist]
This dataset includes Narrow Point Framing Data from 1995.- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk MAT Site Grid Description with Photo [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a grid description and photo for the Ivotuk 1 (MAT) grid on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were collected on the grid in 1998.- dataset PDF
Alexandra Fiord - Plant Nutrient Data [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
This dataset contains growing season (2000) carbon and nitrogen dynamics of leaves of dominant high arctic plant species in dry, mesic, and wet tundra ecosystems at Alexandra...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Snowfence Experiment: 2002 Active Layer Depth [Walker, M.]
This dataset contains active layer data collected for the Toolik Snowfence Experiment in 2002. The Toolik Snowfence Experiment (part of the International Tundra Experiment...- dataset ASCII
LAI and NDVI Meas. - Sagwon MNT Site (ASCII) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains leaf area index (LAI) measurements taken at peak biomass at the Sagwon MNT site on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, in 2000. This dataset also contains...- dataset ASCII
Atqasuk LAI Measurements (Excel) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains leaf area index (LAI) measurements taken at peak biomass at the Atqasuk site on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, for the Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset Excel
IBP Microtopographic Grid Vascular Plants Barrow [Webber]
This dataset contains data collected on vascular plant species and land cover abundance from Webber's International Biological Program (IBP) microtopographic grid collected...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Snow Depth (Excel) [Oberbauer]
This dataset represents initial snow depths on the season-extension project study site on May 2nd or May 3rd for years 1995-2001. There were control snow depths, snow removal...- dataset Excel
Seward Peninsula Tree Establishment Metadata [Lloyd, A.]
This dataset contains specific site descriptions, including elevation, latitude, longitude, and general descriptions of vegetation. These data accompany the Seward Peninsula...- dataset ASCII
Latnjajaure Site, PAPP Cont 2 Community Data [Molau]
This dataset contains PAPP Cont 2 Community data from the Latnjajaure site, Sweden in 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998. The Press and Pulse Program (PAPP) experiment is comprised of...- dataset ASCII
Winter CO2 efflux - Basetraps (ASCII) [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
This dataset represents estimates of wintertime carbon efflux from various tundra and subarctic soils over several winters. This dataset is also available in an Excel format....- dataset ASCII
Effects of Warming on a Low Arctic Ecosystem Plot 5 [Epstein]
This dataset measures the effects of warming on a low arctic ecosystem (Plot 5) from 1995-2005 as part of the ITEX experiment. Each ecosystem has one warming and one control....- dataset ASCII