HLY-02-03 224Ra and 228Th Data (Excel) [Kadko, D.]
This data set contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occurring isotopes 224 RA and 228Th. Because 224RA (T1/2=3.64d) is derived through input from...- dataset Excel
TN-250 Sediment Trap Fluxes of Th-234, POC, and PON in the Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Sed Trap TN250.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the summer leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-02 Sediment Trap Fluxes of Th-234, POC, and PON in the Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Sed Trap HLY0802.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-09-02 Sediment Trap Fluxes of Th-234, POC, and PON in the Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Sed Trap HLY0902.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
TN-250 Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 Distributions in the Eastern Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Th-U TN250.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-02-03 226Ra and 228Ra Data (ASCII) [Kadko, D.]
This data set contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occuring isotopes 226 Ra and 228 Ra. Because 228 Ra (T1/2= 5.77y) is derived through input...- dataset ASCII
224Ra and 228Th Isotope Data (ASCII) [Kadko, D.]
This dataset contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occurring isotopes 224 RA and 228Th. Because 224RA (T1/2=3.64d) is derived through input from...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-01,03 Be-7 and Surface Sediment Chlorophyll Data (Excel) [Cooper, L., ...
This dataset contains measurements of short-lived gamma emitter, beryllium-7 obtained from surface sediment samples collected at depths ranging from 50-300m, as well as melted...- dataset Excel
KN-195-10 Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 Distributions in the Eastern Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Th-U KN19510.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
226Ra and 228Ra from SHEBA, Polar Star 2000 Expeditions (Excel) [Kadko, D.]
These data are from two different cruises, one the SHEBA cruise with data from 6/27/98 - 10/17/98, and the second a Polar Star Cruise during August of 2000. This dataset...- dataset Excel
226Ra and 228Ra from SHEBA, Polar Star 2000 Expeditions (ASCII) [Kadko, D.]
These data are from two different cruises, one the SHEBA cruise with data from 6/27/98 - 10/17/98, and the second a Polar Star Cruise during August of 2000. This dataset...- dataset ASCII