CFI Climate Sentinels Icing Detector Data
This dataset contains ice thickness data collected by ice detectors installed at various climate sentinels within the Saint Lawrence River Valley for the WINTRE-MIX field...- dataset NetCDF
SSM/I Daily Derived Products
Gridded data of retrieved: (1) column-integrated cloud liquid water (g/m2) computed using a Weng algorithm, and with a spatial resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 degrees;...- dataset Archive
Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Precipitation Data
This data set contains the gridded precipitation data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system for days that...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL 5 minute ISFS surface flux data, flow corrected, geographic coordina...
Flow corrected 5 minute averages of surface flux data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the CHEESEHEAD field campaign. These data have been...- dataset NetCDF
This data set contains NCAR/ISFF surface imagery from the CuPIDO Field Catalog.- dataset Image
PAM/ASTER 5-Minute Surface Flux Data
Surface flux data collected by NCAR/EOL (formerly ATD) during the Cooperative Atmospheric Surface Exchange Study 1997 (CASES-97) project from 22 April to 22 May 1997. These data...- dataset NetCDF
Wyoming's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS)
The Wyoming's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS) dataset is one of several datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP) Large Scale...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown and IMET WHOI Buoy Data
This Dataset consists of Improved Meteorology (IMET) buoy data collected during the EPIC cruise of the NOAA Ship Ron Brown. The buoy is located at 20.15S 85.15W.- dataset ASCII
USAF C-130 Flight Level 60-second Resolution Data
This data set includes 60-second resolution flight level data from the WC-130 flights for the ITOP field program (15 August - 20 October 2010). Additional information is...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Navigation and Surface State Parameters (ASCII)
This dataset contains ship speed, headings, temperature, relative humidity, pressure, insolation, wind and rainfall rate measurements taken on board the Ron Brown Ship during...- dataset ASCII
CCOPE-2015 Parsivel Disdrometer Data
This dataset contains data from a Parsivel disdrometer deployed during the 2015 Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment (CCOPE-2015). Information on the overall...- dataset ASCII
Purdue University Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) Data
This data set contains drop size distribution and surface meteorological data from the Purdue University Portable In Situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) that were deployed at...- dataset Archive
Montana's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS)
The Montana's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS) surface dataset is one of several datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP)...- dataset ASCII
Sorel, QC METEK Micro Rain Radar MRR-Pro Data
This dataset contains the raw data from the METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-PRO) sited at Sorel-Tracy, QC for the Winter Precipitation Type Research...- dataset NetCDF
UAH MIPS Hotplate Precipitation Gage Data
This dataset contains University of Alabama - Huntsville Mobile Integrated Profiling System (UAH MIPS) Hot Plate Precipitation Gage Data collected from 6 December 2013 to 28...- dataset ASCII Image
USAF C-130 SFMR Data
This data set contains the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the United States Air Force (USAF) C-130 aircraft flights into the tropical systems of...- dataset Archive
R/V Ron Brown Navigation and State Parameters
This dataset contains the Ron Brown Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters collected during the INDOEX time period.- dataset ASCII
COW Parsivel Disdrometer Data
This dataset contains data from a Parsivel optical disdrometer deployed at Sorel in support of the WINTRE-MIX field campaign. The instrument provides precipitation intensity and...- dataset ASCII
Flow discharge, precipitation and water stage measurement - HYDROMET
Hydromet data from working group of the FCEFyN - UNC (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba) during the RELAMPAGO campaign....- dataset Archive
NCEP Re-analysis Monthly Mean Data 2001-2004 for SBI Domain (Matlab) [NCEP]
This data set contains National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) re-analysis monthly mean data 2001-2004 for the SBI domain in Matlab format.- dataset Matlab