HLY-09-01 TeraScan DMSP Satellite Data [Cooper, L./LDEO]
This dataset includes Defense Meteorological Satellites Program (DMSP) data from the SeaSpace TeraScan System. The data are from the F13, F14, F15, F16 and F17 DMSP satellites....- dataset Archive
HLY-07-01 TeraScan Raw Satellite Data [Sambrotto/LDEO]
This dataset includes raw data from the SeaSpace TeraScan System. The data are from the F12, F13, F14, F15 and F16 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites,...- dataset Archive
HLY-08-02 TeraScan DMSP Satellite Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes Defense Meteorological Satellites Program (DMSP) data from the SeaSpace TeraScan System. The data are from the F12, F13, F14, F15, F16 and F17 DMSP...- dataset Archive
GOES-16 ABI Meso Sector Data
This data set contains the 1 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) mesoscale sectors during the period of VORTEX-SE 2018 operations....- dataset Archive
ORCAS Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM)
This dataset contains Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM) data for the ORCAS (O2/N2 Ratio and CO2 Airborne Southern Ocean (ORCAS) Study) project. PRISM is an imaging...- dataset Archive
Aqua MODIS Data
This data set contains the 1 km resolution data from the NASA Aqua satellite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument during the ORCAS (The O2/N2 Ratio...- dataset Archive
The NOAA POES HRPT and LAC (1km) Data is one of several satellite data sets collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Reserach/Earth Observation Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) as...- dataset Archive
GOES-12 Sounder Terrascan Data
This data set contains Sounder Terrascan data from the GOES-12 satellite.- dataset Archive
NCAR/NSF C-130 Mulitchannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the Instrument...- dataset Binary
GOES-16 ABI CONUS Sector Data
This data set contains the 5 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) over the continental United States during the period of VORTEX-SE...- dataset Archive
INDOEX: NCAR/NSF C-130 Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) Data
This dataset contains binary files from NCAR's Multichannel Cloud Radiometer (MCR) obtained aboard the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX).- dataset Binary
NOAA PSL Atmospheric Sounder Spectrometer for Infrared Spectral Technology (A...
Infrared radiance data from the NOAA/PSL Atmospheric Sounder Spectrometer for Infrared Spectral Technology (ASSISTs) that were deployed at Columbia, LA and Courtland, AL for...- dataset NetCDF
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Mesoscale Sector Data
This data set contains the 1 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) mesoscale sectors during the period of RELAMPAGO operations. All 16...- dataset Archive
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) CONUS Sector Data
This data set contains the 5 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) over the continental United States during the period of WINTRE-MIX...- dataset Archive
Twin Otter Airplane Flight Level Data
This dataset contains Twin Otter Airplane Flight Level Data collected over Granite Mountain during the Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations Field Experimental...- dataset ASCII
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) CONUS Sector Data
The 5 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) over the continental United States during the period of TORUS_2022 operations. All 16...- dataset Archive
Narrow Field of View (NFOV), AIMR, TMI, AVHRR Compilation Dataset
This data set is a compilation of 4 independent data sets acquired during the INDOEX Intensive Field Phase. Each data set has been averaged to a common time database...- dataset NetCDF
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Full Disk Data
This data set contains the 15 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) full disk sectors during the period of RELAMPAGO operations. All...- dataset Archive
NOAA PSL Atmospheric Sounder Spectrometer for Infrared Spectral Technology (A...
Infrared radiance data from the NOAA/PSL Atmospheric Sounder Spectrometer for Infrared Spectral Technology (ASSISTs) that were deployed at Columbia, LA and Courtland, AL for...- dataset NetCDF
GOES-10 Sounder Terrascan Data
This data set contains Sounder Terrascan data from the GOES-10 satellite.- dataset Archive