HIPPO-3 Merged 1-second Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Aerosol Data ...
This data set provides merged 1-second data products from Mission 3 of the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of the Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases Study. Mission 3...- dataset ASCII
WRF ARW 15km Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization Forecast Products for G...
This dataset consists of WRF ARW 15km with Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization Model Products for Galapagos for the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen...- dataset Image
Basic Meteorological and Aircraft State Data - NetCDF format [Doernbrack, And...
This data set contains DLR Falcon Basic Meteorological and Aircraft State data collected during the DEEPWAVE experiment. This data set was converted to NetCDF by EOL from the...- dataset NetCDF
CIRPAS Twin Otter 40 Hz Boundary Layer Turbulence Data
This dataset contains the CIRPAS Twin Otter Boundary Layer Turbulence (40 Hz) data collected during the VAMOS Ocean-Cloud Atmosphere-Land Study (VOCALS) campaign. The University...- dataset Matlab
CIMA Universidad de Buenos Aires RAMS Forecast Products (experiments 1,2)
This dataset contains the CIMA Forecast model output data (both control and data files) for experiments 1 and 2 run by the Universidad de Bueno Aires for January 17, 2003 as...- dataset Binary ASCII
NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge
This data set contains NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012....- dataset Archive ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data - 1 Hz [NCAR/EOL/RAF]
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130Q Hercules aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the IDEAS-4 C130...- dataset NetCDF
CIRPAS Twin Otter 1-hz Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft during the "Physics of Stratocumulus Tops" (POST) project off the west coast...- dataset ASCII
The armored T-28 aircraft was flown by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). The data from these flights were collected by SDSMT under agreement with the...- dataset NetCDF
DLR Falcon Navigation and State Parameter Data
This data set contains Falcon Navigation Data for the IHOP region. This data set covers the period from 17 May to 15 June 2002. The data are in ASCII format.- dataset ASCII
Tower, Interpolated Daily Average measurements to 2.5 m at Met City (ASFG) [A...
This dataset contains processed data from the flux group tower at "Met City" in the SHEBA ice camp. This dataset is derived from the 5-level hourly measurements by...- dataset ASCII
This data set is a single tar file containing cmf text files of PAM station data from the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project (NDTP).- dataset ASCII
NCAR ACOM Manitou MANITOU2009 Campaign Data
This dataset contains the MANITOU2009 campaign data collected by NSF NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) for the Manitou Experimental Forest...- dataset Archive ASCII Excel
WRF 4KM Mixing Ratio Forecast Imagery (Broomfield to Sidney)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical cross-sections of four different mixing ratios, ice number concentration, and...- dataset Image
1s Merged dataset of all C-130 observations and GEOS-Chem near-realtime simul...
This dataset contains all Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) C-130 observations merged at the 1 second time steps. In addition to the...- dataset ASCII
NCAR SLW-sondes
These data files are IMet Radiosonde data with an attached Anasphere SLW-sonde. Data includes standard meteorological sounding fields plus a wire frequency field from the...- dataset ASCII
This dataset contains output from the NCEP Eta Regional Climate model (RCM). The data include the runs required by the NAME Model Assessment Project (NAMAP) plus three...- dataset Archive
ETA 218 Model Forecast Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This data set contains 6 hour forecast imagery from the ETA 218 model from the CuPIDO Field Catalog. Forecast imagery exists every 3 hours from 0 to 72 hours.- dataset Image
1993 NDTE Raw Flight Data
The armored T-28 aircraft was flown by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). The data from these flights were collected by SDSMT under agreement with the...- dataset Archive
ARA King Air Flight Line Data
This data set includes meteorology, CAPS, PMS, CN, LWC, radiation, SST and S02 data collected onboard the King Air aircraft participating in the ACE-Asia experiment.- dataset Archive