Agashashok White Spruce Needle Gas Exchange 2007-2008
This dataset includes measurements of white spruce needle gas exchange made under conditions of saturating light, ambient CO2 and optimum temperature. Also included are needle C...- dataset ASCII
Quartz Lake, Alaska 11,200 Year Chironomid and Stable Isotope Data
This dataset contains chironomid and stable isotope data from sediments recovered from Quartz Lake, Alaska for the past 11,200 years. The data are available as either a text or...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Dune Lake, Alaska 12,000 Year Multiproxy Sediment Data
This dataset contains opal, organic carbon and nitrogen contents, and organic δ13C (carbon-13) and δN15 (nitrogen-15) stable isotopes that were analyzed on a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Top Predator Hotspot Persistence
This dataset contains surveys of foraging patterns of marine predators. The predators studied were black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia),...- dataset Excel XML
HLY-08-02 Calanus marshallae/glacialis Egg Production Rates
This dataset contains EPR rates for Calanus marshallae/glacialis. The data are provided in an Excel spreadsheet and an accompanying word document describing the methods. Data...- dataset Excel
Model Output from MBL-GEM III for a Typical Tussock-Tundra Hill Slope, 1921-2100
This data set includes output data from the MBL-GEM (Marine Biological Laboratory General Ecosystem Model) III model for a typical tussock-tundra hillslope. The model outputs...- dataset ASCII
Agashashok White Spruce Branch Growth 2005-2008
This dataset includes retrospective measurements of white spruce branch extension growth (mm) made at breast height (4 measurements from each tree) during late August of 2008....- dataset ASCII
Babe Creek Summit Tree Ring Data [Wolken, J.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements of annual ring width for...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
HLY-08-02 Mesozooplankton Grazing and Predation Rates
This data set contains mesozooplankton grazing and predation rates measured in ship-board incubations conducted during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Excel
HLY09-02 Mesozooplankton Grazing and Predation Rates
This data set contains mesozooplankton grazing and predation rates measured in ship-board incubations conducted during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated...- dataset Excel
Rantin Lake, Yukon 10,900 - 3,100 YrBP Multiproxy Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Rantin Lake, southern Yukon, covering the interval 10,900 to 3,100 calendar years before present. Paleoenvironmental proxies...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Qalluuraq Lake, Alaska 12,000 Year Multiproxy Methane Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Qalluuraq Lake, Alaska, for the past 12,000 years. Paleoenvironmental proxies measured include stable isotopic ratios,...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Thule Fen CO2 Exchange 2004-2006
This dataset includes mid-day measurements of CO2 exchange in hummocks and pools with and without open-top experimental warming chambers (OTCs). Measurements were made using a...- dataset ASCII
Resource Allocation and Allometry of Plant Growth at Selected Sites in the Ar...
This data set consists of seven data files containing measurements from Arctic field sites during the summer months from 5 July 2003 to 5 August 2005 as part of the Land...- dataset Archive
SNACS: Snow and Ice Processes in the Deposition and Fate of Mercury in the Ar...
This data set consists of chemical analysis of samples from the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Study of the Northern Alaska Coastal System - Mercury (SNACS-Hg) project...- dataset ASCII
Salcha Bluff Tree Ring Data [Lloyd, A.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Babe Creek Toe Slope Tree Ring Data [Wolken, J.]
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements of annual ring width for...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Babe Creek Valley Bottom Tree Ring Data [Wolken, J.]
Data include raw treering measurements of annual ring width for multiple treering samples collected from the Valley bottom location of the Babe Creek toposequence to study the...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA): Chemical and Benth...
The Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA) Chemical and Benthos (CAB) is a comprehensive program funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation...- dataset Archive
Walrus Monthly Foraging Utilization Distribution in the Chukchi Sea: 2008-201...
This dataset describes Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) utilization of the Chukchi sea by tracking walruses and their hourly foraging behavior from June through...- dataset Archive