25 resources found

Keywords: collaborative lower atmospheric mobile profiling s Resource Formats: Image

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  • OU/NSSL CLAMPS AERI Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Retrieval Data

    This data set contains AERIoe retrievals of temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profiles every five minutes from the AERI (Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer) that...
    • dataset           NetCDF   Image
  • CLAMPS2 Doppler Lidar VAD Data

    Twenty-Four hour periods of CLAMPS2 Halo Streamline XR+ Doppler lidar data are contained in these files. The Doppler lidar conducts regular conical scans at a set elevation...
    • dataset           NetCDF   Image
  • CLAMPS2 Doppler Lidar Vertical Stare Data

    Twenty-four hour periods of data collected from the CLAMPS2 Halo Streamline XR+ Doppler lidar are contained in these files. While not conducting other scans, the lidar directs...
    • dataset           NetCDF   Image
  • CLAMPS1 TROPoe Retrieved Thermodynamic Profiles

    These files contain 24 hour periods of retrieved thermodynamic profiles derived from observations collected by the CLAMPS1 AERI and/or microwave radiometer (MWR). The TROPoe...
    • dataset           NetCDF   Image
  • CLAMPS-2 Doppler Lidar Wind Data

    Vertical wind profiles from the Doppler lidar that was deployed as part of the CLAMPS (Collaborative Lower Atmospheric Mobile Profiling System) site at the Belle Mina, Alabama...
    • dataset           NetCDF   Image