31 resources found

Keywords: atmospheric water vapor Resource Formats: ASCII Archive

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  • HLY-04-03 Underway Data

    This data set contains SCS Data files created aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy during the Summer 2004 Process cruise by the Coast Guard underway data logging...
    • dataset           Archive   ASCII   Binary
  • CASPR-ARCMIP 1997 Dataset

    This dataset consists of SHEBA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • NCAR/EOL ISS Ceilometer Data

    Ceilometer data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the Farm Field site (ISS2) during the SAVANT field campaign. These data were collected by a...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive   Image
  • VORTEX-94 Oklahoma LAPS

    O-LAPS ingest, quality controls and analyzes conventional and research data for use in real-time storm-scale forecast experiments. Fields include sfc pressure, temp, humidity...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • CASPR-ARCMIP 1998 Dataset

    This dataset consists of SHEBA AVHRR Arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) domain location for 1998....
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • NOAA P-3 Flight Level Data

    This data set contains the flight level data from the NOAA P-3 aircraft for its flights during the VORTEX-SE 2017 field season over the southeastern United States. The data are...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • NSSL PSU Mobile Mesonet Data [Richardson, Markowski/PSU]

    This dataset contains the NSSL-PSU Mobile Mesonet data collected by Richardson and Markowski of PSU. The data covers the 2009 and 2010 field phases for approximately May-June...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • NDTE: CLASS Soundings [NCAR]

    The North Dakota Tunderstorm Experiment (NDTE) sounding data is in both binary files and ascii tar files. Data is
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • GALE: CLASS Soundings

    Sounding data from the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE) is contained in a tar file for each of the 8 Cross-chain LORAN Sounding System (CLASS) locations. Refer to...
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive
  • HLY-04-02 Underway Data [LDEO]

    This data set contains 2 DVDs created aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy ship at the end of the HLY-04-02 cruise. The DVDs were created by Lamont Doherty Earth...
    • dataset           UNDEFINED FORMAT   ASCII   Binary   PDF   Image   Excel   OTHER   Archive
  • NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge

    This data set contains NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012....
    • dataset           ASCII   Archive