Costa Rican Daily Precipitation Data
This data set contains daily precipitation data from Costa Rica. Data are from 45 sites within Costa Rica covering the time period January 1991 to December 1994, and January to...- dataset ASCII
NCEP/EMC U.S. Gage Only Daily Precipitation Data
The Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), a component of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) acquires gage-based precipitation reports in near real-time from...- dataset GRIB Archive ASCII
NCDC Summary of the Day COOP Precipitation Data
This dataset contains daily precipitation data extracted from the GCIP/EAOP-99 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the EAOP-99...- dataset ASCII
ABRFC Stage III Gridded WSR-88D Daily Precipitation Data
This dataset contains daily resolution 4 km by 4 km gridded precipitation fields produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Arkansas-Red Basin River...- dataset NetCDF
NCDC Summary of the Day COOP Dataset
This dataset contains the SGP99 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the SGP99 domain. The observations in this dataset are...- dataset ASCII
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations
This data set contains daily observations of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, as well as other parameters from the National Weather Service Cooperative Network- dataset ASCII
Army Range White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) Surface Meteorological Data
The Four-Dimensional (4DWX) System is the product of seven years of R&D, sponsored by the US Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) and by the Defense Thread Reduction...- dataset ASCII
GCIP/EAOP-98 Surface: Daily Precipitation Composite
The Daily Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., National Centers for Environmental Prediction daily precipitation, National Weather Service...- dataset ASCII
Daily MBRFC Stage III GIF Imagery
This data set consists of daily Missouri Basin River Forecast Center (MBRFC) Stage III WSR-88D radar imagery in GIF format. The data were retrieved from the MBRFC.- dataset Image
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations
This dataset contains the converted National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the NAME Tier 3 domain. The observations in this dataset...- dataset ASCII
ABRFC WSR-88D Stage III Daily Precipitation
This dataset contains data from the NOAA Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center. The ABRFC routinely ingests WSR-88D precipitation derived products (Level III) from each of...- dataset Image
STORM-WAVE Daily Precipitation Composite
The Daily Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center, National Weather Service Cooperative Observers...- dataset ASCII
MBRFC WSR-88D Stage III Daily Precipitation Imagery
This data set contains data from the NOAA Missouri Basin River Forecast Center (MBRFC). The MBRFC routinely ingests WSR-88D precipitation derived products (Level III) from each...- dataset Image
GCIP/NESOB-97 Surface: Daily Precipitation Composite
The Daily Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Prediction Center (CPC) daily...- dataset ASCII
NCDC Summary of the Day COOP Dataset
This dataset contains the GCIP/ESOP-95 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the ESOP-95 domain. The observations in this dataset...- dataset ASCII
DMSP SSM/I Daily Rainfall Imagery
Gif images of retrieved rainfall (mm/hour) products computed (Ferriday algorithm) daily at a spatial resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 degrees. Data are from SSM/I instruments on DMSP,...- dataset Image
NCDC Summary of the Day Cooperative Observer
This data set contains daily observations of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, as well as other parameters from the National Weather Service Cooperative Network....- dataset ASCII
NCEP/CPC Gage Only Daily Dataset
The Climate Prediction Center (CPC), a component of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) acquires gage-based precipitation reports in near real-time from...- dataset ASCII
University of Washington Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model Forecast ...
This data set contains UW_VIC imagery from the NAME Field Catalog. The following imagery products are included: EDASdlypcp, soilmoist_layer1, soilmoist_layer2, soilmoist_layer3,...- dataset Image
GCIP/ESOP-97 Surface: Daily Precipitation Composite
The Daily Precipitation Composite was formed from several data sources (i.e., National Centers for Environmental Prediction daily precipitation, National Weather Service...- dataset ASCII