The PyReshaper is a tool for converting time-slice (or history-file or synoptically) formatted NetCDF files into time-series (or single-field) format.- software UNDEFINED FORMAT
Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit
The Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit (GeoCAT) is a collection of open source Python tools for manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing geosciences data, such as those...- software UNDEFINED FORMAT
The PyConform package is a Python-based package for converting model time-series data into MIP-conforming (i.e., standardized) time-series data.- software UNDEFINED FORMAT
CESM Postprocessing
The CESM python post processing repository code integrates light-weight parallel python tools developed by the NCAR CISL ASAP group and diagnostics plotting packages developed...- software UNDEFINED FORMAT
WRF-Chem Tools for the Community
NCAR has developed two chemical options in WRF-Chem (MOZART trace gases with GOCART aerosol scheme, and MOZART trace gases with MOSAIC aerosol scheme). Information on these...- software UNDEFINED FORMAT