Model dataset for Morrison et al. (2020) "Comparing growth rates of moist and...
This model generated dataset includes simulation data and model files for work described in the paper "Comparing growth rates of moist and dry convective thermals" by Morrison...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Planetary-boundary and urban-canopy layer modeling study of the landfall of H...
This data repository contains the model simulation and observational data used in the manuscript: Hendricks, E. A., J. C. Knievel, and D. S. Nolan, 2021: Evaluation of...- dataset HDF ASCII
THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CLM5
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CTSM52
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
Investigation of metadata standard use by geoscience data repositories
This dataset supports a paper being written about metadata standard use by geoscience data repositories. The study is being done to better understand which metadata standards...- dataset ASCII
Buoyancy in Deep Convection Simulations
The dataset contains some of the data from numerical simulations investigating deep convection dynamics, the impact of in-cloud supersaturations on convective updraft strength...- dataset ASCII Binary
AirNow and Low Cost Sensor PM2.5 During Extreme Wildfires in Sonoma County, 2020
This data collection includes AirNow measurements of PM2.5 from the Sebastopol station as well as PurpleAir measurements of PM2.5 within Sonoma County, California, USA. Data is...- dataset ASCII
ROMS simulations of river-sourced coastal ocean tracer pathways following Hur...
Three-hourly model output from a 800-m horizontal resolution 50-vertical layer Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) simulation of the coastal region near Cape Fear, North...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
JEDI Test and Application files
The Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) software package is a unified, innovative data assimilation system for Earth System Prediction. Developed and...- dataset ASCII Archive
Model and observational data for Morrison et al. (2020) JAMES paper entitled ...
This dataset was used to generate plots for a paper conditionally accepted in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), an AGU journal. It comprises four...- dataset PDF ASCII XML NetCDF
Datasets used in Bacmeister et al, JAMES (2020). " CO2 increase experiments ...
Datasets used in the creation of original figures of Bacmeister et al. JAMES (2020). CO2 increase experiments using the Community Earth System Model (CESM): Relationship to...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
Turbulent activation of cloud condensation nuclei
This dataset contains selected codes and data from simulations investigating the impact of cloud-base turbulence on activation of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Activation of...- dataset ASCII Binary
1/20° regional simulation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean Cold Tongue
A subset of hourly and daily averaged model output from a 1/20° regional simulation of the eastern tropical Pacific ocean. This output is being made public in connection with a...- dataset HDF ASCII Archive
Data for "Low- and mid-latitude ionospheric response to the 2013 St Patrickâ...
The dataset stores the GITM simulation results for the study "Low- and mid-latitude ionospheric response to the 2013 St Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm in the American Sector:...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Ionosphere-Thermosphere Data Published in "Responses of the Thermosphere and ...
This dataset supports the Journal of Geophysical Research publication "Responses of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere System to Concurrent Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms" by...- dataset ASCII Binary NetCDF
Data supporting Satellite in-situ electron density observations of the mid-la...
This is the data for the submitted paper: Satellite in-situ electron density observations of the mid-latitude storm enhanced density on the noon meridional plane in the F region...- dataset ASCII
Contributions of the Liquid and Ice Phases to Global Surface Precipitation: O...
This study is the first to reach a global view of the precipitation process partitioning, using a combination of satellite and global climate modeling data. The pathways...- dataset ASCII XML
Dataset to reproduce the figures and table in "An Outsized Role for the Labra...
Climate models are essential tools for investigating intrinsic North Atlantic variability related to variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), but...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
2017 August Eclipse GITM simulation
This data present GITM simulation results using different solar masks during the 2017 August Eclipse. Detailed descriptions of the masks used for the simulation can be found in...- dataset ASCII Archive
Selected and Post-Processed Outputs of LFM-TIEGCM-RCM Simulation of 2013 Marc...
This dataset is associated with the publication "SAPS in the 2013 March 17 Storm Event: Initial Results from the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model". In...- dataset ASCII Matlab