CAMELS: Large-Sample Hydrometeorological Dataset
This is a community data set of daily forcing and hydrologic response data for 671 small- to medium-sized basins across the contiguous United States (median basin size of 336...- dataset ASCII Shapefile
CAMELS: Catchment Attributes for Large-Sample Studies
This dataset covers the same 671 catchments as the Large-Sample Hydrometeorological Dataset introduced by Newman et al. (2015). For each catchment, we characterized a wide range...- dataset ASCII
COSMIC-2 Data Products
COSMIC-2 instrument data and derived products (levels 0-3) for all six spacecraft.- dataset BUFR ASCII Binary NetCDF
GPSMET Data Products
GPSMET instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Planet IQ Data Products
Planet IQ instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII Binary NetCDF
SACC Data Products
SACC instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Spire Data Products
Spire instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
TSX Data Products
TSX instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
CNOFS Data Products
CNOFS instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
TDX Data Products
TDX instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
GeoOptics Data Products
GeoOptics instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
METOP-A Data Products
METOP-A instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
KOMPSAT5 Data Products
KOMPSAT5 instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
CHAMP Data Products
CHAMP instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
PAZ Data Products
PAZ instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
COSMIC-1 Data Products
COSMIC-1 instrument data and derived products (levels 0-3) for all six spacecraft.- dataset BUFR ASCII NetCDF
METOP-C Data Products
METOP-C instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
GRACE Data Products
GRACE instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
METOP-B Data Products
METOP-B instrument data and derived products (levels 1-2).- dataset ASCII NetCDF
WRF Large-Eddy Simulation Data from Realtime Runs Used to Support UAS Operati...
Realtime micro-scale weather simulations were performed to support UAV (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle) flights during the ISARRA Lower Atmospheric Process Studies at Elevation â...- dataset ASCII Archive