Japan Summary of Day, 1951-1989
This dataset contains summary of day information (maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation amount) for Japanese stations from 1951 to 1989.- dataset ASCII
Ocean-atmosphere heat, momentum and freshwater flux, climatology, by Josey et...
Simon A. Josey, Elizabeth C. Kent, and Peter K. Taylor compiled the SOC monthly mean flux atlas on a 1 degree by 1 degree grid. The fields have been derived from the COADS...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Ozonesondes and Total Ozone, July 1957 to December 1985
Environment Canada provided this collection of ozonesondes and total ozone from stations around the world.- dataset ASCII
Russian Summary of Day, 1881-1989
This dataset contains Russian summary of day data for 223 Russian stations, beginning as early as 1881 and continuing through 1989. Information in each day's summary includes...- dataset ASCII
Canada Summary of Day, 1840-1991
This version is the merge of ds516.0 [] and ds516.1 []. Duplicate reports have been eliminated. Conflicting reports have been saved in a separate file. Bad reports have been...- dataset ASCII
CPC Global Summary of Day/Month Observations
This global summary of the day and month data set is obtained on a delayed monthly basis from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) of the National Centers for Environmental...- dataset ASCII
Monthly Canadian River Flow Data
This dataset contains monthly river flow data for stations (gauges) on Canadian rivers and streams.- dataset ASCII
China Daily Precipitation and Monthly Soil Temperature, 1951-1991
Daily station precipitation and monthly soil temperature from China, 180 stations. Prepared by China under exchange agreements.- dataset ASCII
Argonne 0.2-Degree Land Use and Deposition Data
This dataset contains land use classification data on a 1/6 degree by 1/4 degree grid covering the United States from 52W longitude to 134W and from 24N latitude to 54N. Also...- dataset ASCII
Streamflow drought indicators across conterminous United States
This dataset contains indicators for characterizing observed streamflow droughts in 603 stations through the major watershed regions of the conterminous U.S. The dataset is...- dataset ASCII
Canada Summary of Day, selected stations, 1840-1991
A later version of the set. Combined with ds516.0 [] to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
NCAR Global, 2-hourly Ground-Based GPS Precipitable Water
NCAR global, 2-hourly GPS precipitable water data are derived from ground-based GPS measurements of zenith path delay (ZPD) using three different resources, including the...- dataset ASCII
U.S.A.F. Radiosondes, Pibals, Aircraft, and Surface Observations, 1973-1980
The U.S. Air Force collated various upper air and surface data into a standard data format that they called "DATSAV". The observations cover the period from 1973 to 1980.- dataset ASCII
GISS Global Methane and Livestock Distribution, 1-Degree
A global high resolution data base of animal population densities and associated methane (CH4) emissions has been developed at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies...- dataset ASCII
An Atlas Based on the 'COADS' Data Set: Fields of Mean Wind, Cloudiness and H...
Monthly global grids of data, derived fluxes, and anomalies were prepared from the COADS data.- dataset ASCII
Boulder, CO Daily Temperature and Precipitation Weather Data for January 1897...
Daily temperature and precipitation data have been assembled from Boulder newspaper weather pages and other available sources to provide a history of Boulder, CO weather from...- dataset ASCII
FOSDIC Marine surface and upper air observations, 1854-1961
Marine surface and upper air observations recovered from microfilm copies of cards at NCDC. In the 1960s and 1970s, NCDC stored images of selected 80-character punched card...- dataset ASCII
Line Island Experiment Surface and Upper Air Observations, February to April ...
The Line Islands Experiment of 1967 produced extensive data on disturbances in the equatorial trough zone. DSS has some surface and upper-air data from this experiment for...- dataset Binary ASCII
NCEP ADP Operational Global Surface Observations, February 1975 - February 2007
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic surface data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
Canadian MEDS West and East Coast Temperature and Salinity Observations
Time series of water temperature and salinity collected at various points on Canadian coasts.- dataset ASCII