Dugway 449MHz Wind Profiler and RASS Data and Imagery
This dataset contains wind data, Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) data and imagery from the 449 Profiler for the Instabilities, Dynamics and Energetics accompanying...- dataset Archive
GTS West Atlantic Station Plot Imagery
This dataset contains gif images from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) West Atlantic station collected during the Ice in Clouds Experiment - Tropical (ICE-T) project...- dataset Image
CAREER/ROCS QC Radiosonde Dataset
The purpose of the Research on Convective Snows (ROCS) project is to determine the characteristics of clouds that produce weather events where snow is accompanied by lightening...- dataset ASCII
CIRPAS 1-Hz CCN-200 (Dual Column) data - ASCII format
This data set includes data obtained from the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft during the "Physics of Stratocumulus Tops"(POST) project off the coast of Monterey, CA. This...- dataset ASCII
CSU CHILL Edited Moments Data in cfRadial Format
This data set consists of the Colorado State University's CHILL radar data collected during the Front Range Observational Network Testbed (FRONT) field project between 20...- dataset Archive
NOAA G-IV 30 Second Flight Level Data
This data set contains the 30 second resolution flight level data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) G-IV aircraft flights into the tropical systems...- dataset Archive
Indonesia Site - Surabaya Radiosonde L3.1 Data
This data set includes 365 high vertical resolution soundings from Surabaya, Indonesia (WMO 96935) collected during the DYNAMO field campaign for 2011-12. Soundings were...- dataset ASCII
UMass FMCW Radar Data
This data set contains vertical profiles of radar moments and Doppler spectra from the University of Massachusetts S-band FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) profiling...- dataset NetCDF
Montana's RWIS Miscellaneous Precipitation
The Montana's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS) Miscellaneous Precipitation dataset is one of several datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) King Air aircraft (Tail Number: N312D) during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows...- dataset NetCDF
Lake-ICE surface: NCAR/EOL Greenville ISS Surface Meteorology Data
This dataset contains surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located near Greenville, MI (ISS3) during the Lake-Induced Convection...- dataset Archive
ABLE 915 MHz Wind Profilers
This data set contains hourly profiles of wind speed and direction from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments (ABLE) 915 MHz Radar Wind Profilers operated by the Argonne...- dataset ASCII
ASOS 5 Minute Data
This data set contains the 5-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL R/V Investigator ISS Webcam Imagery
5-minute webcam imagery collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) onboard the R/V Investigator during the SOCRATES Field Campaign. These data are JPG images...- dataset Image
Small Ice Detector Version 2 (SID-2H) Data
This dataset contains SID2H data collected during the PACDEX project. The Small Ice Detector, Version 2 (SID2H) is a particle light-scattering instrument for measuring size...- dataset Archive
UAH MoDLS Surface Meteorological Data
This data set contains the surface meteorological data at one second temporal resolution from the weather station that was deployed with the University of Alabama in Huntsville...- dataset ASCII
SuomiNet Precipitable Water Hourly Data
SuomiNet is a network of GPS receivers that provide realtime atmospheric precipitable water vapor measurements. This dataset contains hourly data files of precipitable water...- dataset NetCDF
Montana's RWIS Hourly Surface Data in QC Format
Montana's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS) Hourly Surface Data in QC Format is one of several surface datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale...- dataset ASCII
NWS Mandatory and Significant Level Radiosonde Data
Mandatory and significant level radiosonde data from the National Weather Service (NWS) KDNR (Denver, CO) and KLBF (North Platte, NE) sites for the TRANS2AM phase 1 (July and...- dataset ASCII
WISP90: CLASS Soundings [NCAR]
This sounding data is from the 1990 Winter Icing and Storms Project (WISP90). NCAR's Cross Chain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System (CLASS) rawinsonde data consist of...- dataset Archive