Duffy and Imbrie's SPECMAP Ocean Cores with 400,000 years BP
Atlantic Ocean core data, about 400K years, SPECMAP. This archive gives Paleoclimate data for a selection of Atlantic cores. It has oxygen-18 data for about 16 cores covering...- dataset ASCII
Sacramento Peak 9.1 cm Solar Analyses
This dataset contains once-daily synoptic solar maps of brightness temperature on a 25 by 21 grid for January 1964 to July 1973. The data were collected by the National Solar...- dataset ASCII
A Seasonal Climatology of Global Ocean Surface Currents
Derived from pilot charts from the US Naval Oceanographic Office. Based on data from 1901-1978.- dataset Binary ASCII
Northern Hemisphere Climatological Grid Data
A selected 15-year climatology of the Northern Hemisphere using the Navy Marine Atlas Series and 5-year mean grids summarized from daily grids from the National Climatic Center...- dataset Binary ASCII
Suominet Daily Archive
This archive includes a global set of Suominet reports updated in irregular intervals. Additionally, FSL network reports are now included in the set. The hourly reports, encoded...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
India Precipitation, daily monthly 1901-1970
Daily station rainfall data for India. There were 1632 stations in 1901, 2536 in 1970. Note that 1473 stations have 67 or more years of data. Total daily observations 76.4 million.- dataset ASCII
U.S. Surface Monthly Station Normals and Sequential Data
This dataset contains 30-year normals of temperature and precipitation for U.S. stations. Also included are the sequential temperature and precipitation data that were used to...- dataset ASCII
U.S. Navy 10-Minute Global Elevation and Geographic Characteristics
This free dataset, compiled by the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (with data help from NCAR), contains global elevation data at 10-minute resolution. Each...- dataset Binary ASCII
University of Arizona Tree Ring Data
One hundred tree ring chronologies were provided by the University of Arizona. The individual chronology lengths vary widely, with the longest one extending from year 1 to 1972....- dataset ASCII
Norwegian Marine Surface Data
Source data archives * Arctic region Norwegian ship logbook data. Digitized in Russia, St. Petersburg, by Ecoshelf. * Norwegian Logbook data from Wishman et...- dataset ASCII
USGS Selected 3-Second Elevations for Colorado, Hawaii, and the U.S. Great Pl...
This dataset contains 3-second terrain elevation data, from the U.S. Geological Survey, for Colorado, Hawaii, and the U.S. Great Plains covered by the STORM-FEST project.- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD3505 Integrated Surface Hourly Data
This worldwide collection of surface weather observations is produced at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) from NCDC Surface Airway Hourly Observations (TD3280...- dataset ASCII
Batelle Wind Energy Summaries
Statistical data from a world-wide wind energy resource assessment is provided for a selection of stations in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand,...- dataset ASCII
University of Wisconsin Antarctic Surface Observations
This dataset contains daily surface observations from polar automatic weather stations on Antarctica from January 1980. Observations are available every 3 hours and include...- dataset Binary ASCII
Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS) Analyses
The data in this set were collected and organized as part of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS) program at the Climate Analysis Center. The various data...- dataset ASCII
Shea's Stratospheric Zonal Wind and Temperature Profiles, monthly 1953-1988
This dataset contains monthly profiles of temperature and zonal winds at stratospheric levels between 70mb and 10mb for the period from January 1953 to December 1988.- dataset ASCII
Augmented Monthly Flow Rates of World Rivers (except former Soviet Union)
This dataset contains monthly river flow rates for 4,425 locations around the world except for the former Soviet Union. This dataset combines the UNESCO set...- dataset ASCII
China Monthly Station Precipitation and Temperature, 1951-2000
Monthly mean surface temperature (degrees C) and monthly accumulated precipitation (millimeters) from 160 land stations in China from 1951 to 2000. This data comes from the...- dataset ASCII
China Monthly Station Precipitation, 1951-1980
This dataset contains monthly precipitation amounts for Chinese stations for 1951 to 1980.- dataset Binary ASCII
Historical Monthly Gridded Global Land Precipitation Climatology
A historic monthly gridded precipitation dataset for global land areas. This dataset contains monthly precipitation from station rain gauges which have been averaged for...- dataset ASCII