U.S.S.R. Arctic Ice Island Radiosonde Observations
This version of the Russian Ice Island raobs was provided by the Russian delegation to meetings at NCDC in November 1999.- dataset ASCII
ADAPTE: Minimum and Maximum Temperature and Relative Humidity for Latin Ameri...
Temperature data classified as maximum, mean, and minimum temperature and relative humidity measures from the meteorological station located at the regional airport in Bogota...- dataset ASCII
Global Ocean Heat Flux and Wind Stress
The Climatic Research Institute at Oregon State University compiled these climatologies of ocean heat balance and wind stress for the global oceans. The input data was from the...- dataset ASCII
Suriname Daily Rainfall
Daily rainfall amounts from eight Suriname stations is provided in this dataset. The full period covered by the data is 1852 to 1972, but the actual periods of record vary by...- dataset ASCII
GPCP Version 2.0 Combined Precipitation Data Set
This dataset contains version 2.0 of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly combined satellite-gauge precipitation data as well as error estimates. A...- dataset ASCII
Australian Southern Hemisphere Climatology, monthly 1973-1982
A climatology of the Southern Hemisphere from Australia's Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre.- dataset ASCII
Atlas of Surface Marine Data, climatology and monthly, by Da Silva and Young
COADS observations (1945-1993) were used to derive climatologies and year-month anomalies for the basic observed variables and heat flux components. The data are analyzed to...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Extended Edited Synoptic Cloud Reports Archive (EECRA) from Ships and Land St...
EECRA contains surface synoptic weather reports for the entire globe, gathered from various available data sets. The reports were processed, edited, and rewritten to provide a...- dataset ASCII
NODC Oceanographic Expendable Bathythermograph Data
This dataset contains vertical temperature profiles of the upper layer of the global ocean from expendable bathythermographs.- dataset ASCII
Climatology of the January and July Tropics and Mid-Latitudes
Climatologies for January and July were created for several levels and variables for the tropics and mid-latitudes from analyzed maps. Data from 1961 to 1980 were used to create...- dataset Binary ASCII
Matthew's GISS Methane from Rice Cultivation
High-resolution global databases on the geographic and seasonal distribution of rice cultivation and associated methane emission, compiled by Matthews et al. (1991), have been...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD3260 U.S. Cooperative 15 Minute Precipitation Data
The 15-minute precipitation observations contained in this set were obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The sites are located in the contiguous U.S., Alaska,...- dataset ASCII
Canada Summary of Day, 1890-1979
First version of set. Combined with ds516.1 [], a later version, to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
Matthew's GSFC Global Wetlands and Methane Emission, 1-Degree
Global (1 degree grid) distribution, characteristics and methane emission of natural wetlands by Elaine Matthews (NASA).- dataset ASCII
Western Arctic Ice Drift and Expedition Ship Stations
Western Arctic ice drifting stations, AIDJEX, ARLIS I, ARLIS II, Ice Station Alpha, Ice Station Charlie, T-3 (called Ice Station Bravo during IGY), and ships Maud and Fram...- dataset ASCII
CDIAC U.S. Historical Sunshine Observations, 1891-1984
This dataset contains sunshine data for 240 U.S. stations (including Puerto Rico and nine Pacific islands) for the years from 1891 to 1984. The periods of record for individual...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD3240 U.S. Cooperative Hourly Precipitation, 1900 to 2011
The hourly precipitation observations contained in this set are taken by observers at principle (primary) stations, secondary stations, and cooperative observer stations...- dataset ASCII
NODC Selected Level Expendable Bathythermograph (SBT) Data
Expendable bathythermograph profiles at selected depth levels - instead of inflection points, or 5 meter intervals- dataset ASCII
Pacific Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Analyses
Tropical Pacific Ocean monthly grids and climatology of SST and wind.- dataset Binary ASCII
TOGA/TAO, JAMSTEC, PIRATA, and RAMA Moored Buoy Observations
Moored tropical buoy observing system data. Research quality data collected in delayed mode primary to support development and inclusion into the International Comprehensive...- dataset ASCII