NWS Six Second Radiosonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Terrain-induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX) project. This data set includes 457 high vertical resolution (6-second)...- dataset ASCII
Multi-Network Composite Highest Resolution Upper Air Data
This data set is a composite of radiosondes collected from 5 sounding platforms during the Variability of the American MOnsoonS (VAMOS) Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR Electra (N308D) Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, ...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Electra aircraft (Tail Number: N308D) during the Hawaiian Rainband...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA/ARL/ATDD DJI S-1000 and MD4-1000 sUAS Data
This data set contains observations from the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division (NOAA/ARL/ATDD) DJI S-1000 small Unmanned Aerial System...- dataset Archive
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the L-188 Electra aircraft (Tail Number N308D) during the CYCLES-79 project. This dataset contains low rate...- dataset GENPRO
Indonesia Site - Biak Radiosonde L3.2 Data
This data set includes 347 high vertical resolution soundings from Biak, Indonesia (WMO 97560) collected during the DYNAMO field campaign for 2011-12. Soundings were typically...- dataset ASCII
CAMP: Northern South China Sea Rawinsonde Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 (EOP-3) CEOP Asia-Australia Monsoon Project (CAMP) Northern...- dataset ASCII
SDSU Preliminary Aircraft Flux Data [Oechel, W.]
This dataset contains flux data taken aboard the San Diego State University (SDSU) Sky Arrow N272SA flying out of Barrow, Alaska. See the readme for additional information.- dataset ASCII
UAH Mobile Radiosonde Data
This data set contains temperature, moisture, and wind profiles from the mobile iMet radiosonde systems operated by the University of Alabama in Huntsville as part of the...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the QueenAir, A-80 aircraft (Tail Number N304D) during the PHOENIX-78 project. This dataset contains high rate...- dataset GENPRO
HS3 2013 Global Hawk Dropsonde Data
NOAA/NASA Global Hawk dropsonde data from seven research flights conducted between 20 August and 19 September 2013 for the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) project. The...- dataset ASCII
NOAA G-IV Dropsonde Data
This data set contains the dropsonde data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) G-IV for flights into the tropical systems of interest to the Tropical...- dataset Archive
NOAA/NCEP WRF ARW Model Forecast Imagery
This data set contains the several forecast image products from the NOAA/NCEP WRF ARW model over the continental US. The products include 300mb heights/wind, 500mb...- dataset Image
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics HRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Electra aircraft (Tail Number: N308D) during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows...- dataset NetCDF
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR L188 Electra aircraft (Tail Number N308D) operated by NCAR from 1978-2000. This dataset contains low rate...- dataset NetCDF
ECMWF 0.5 Degree Large Domain Forecast Imagery
This data set contains 0.5 Degree ECMWF Large Domain forecast imagary. The forecast products are abailable at 6 hourly invervals out to 36 hours and 12 hourly ihntervals from 36...- dataset Image
UAH MoDLS Microwave Profiling Radiometer (MPR) Data
This data set contains vertical profiles of temperature, water vapor, relative humidity, and cloud liquid water at one minute temporal resolution from the University of...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the QueenAir, B-80 aircraft (Tail Number N306D) during the CZWEP project. This dataset contains low rate navigation,...- dataset GENPRO
NCAR Mobile GAUS (MGAUS) Rawinsonde Data
The Terrain Induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX) was conducted during March and April 2006, during which time 87 radiosondes were launched using a mobile sounding system at three...- dataset ASCII
Grawmet Radiosonde System I-80 Launch site Data
This data set contains the University of Virginia's Grawmet Radiosonde System data from the I-80 launch site. Data was collected during intense observation periods from...- dataset ASCII