Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Data
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model data from the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida....- dataset NetCDF
COAMPS Adjoint Sensitivity Area 2 Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS adjoint model sensitivity area 2 forecast imagery. The products include temperature/moisture/relative vorticity sensitivity at 0.5, 2, and 5 km...- dataset Image
HLY-02-03 Hydrographic Data Station Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by station collected during the Summer 2002 United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-03). The plots are...- dataset Archive
HLY-02-01 CTD Data (MATLAB Format) [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Data in MATLAB Format from the Spring 2002 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-01). These data...- dataset Matlab
Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) CTD Yoyo Cast Analysis Temperature (ASCII) (PSC) [Mori...
This data set contains data from a PRELIMINARY analysis of every 10th downcast of the yoyo Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) between the start of SHEBA and the end of January...- dataset ASCII
Buoy, IOEB Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Data [Krishfield, R.]
A 150-kHz narrowband RD Instruments Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) internally recorded 34,805 current ensembles in 362 days from an Ice-Ocean Buoy (IOEB) deployed...- dataset Archive
NAVY NOGAPS Global Grids
This dataset contains NAVY/NOGAPS global grid model data. The files are located on the mass store system and are very large. The files contain 12 hour data and can only be...- dataset Archive
HLY-02-01 Hydrographic Data Station Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by station collected during the Spring 2002 United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-01). The plots are...- dataset Archive
R/V Roger Revelle Flux, Near-Surface Meteorology, and Navigation Data
This data set contains 1 and 10 minute resolution flux, near surface meteorology, and navigation data from the R/V Revelle during the four 2011 cruise legs it undertook during...- dataset Matlab ASCII
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) data
This data set contains 1-hour resolution surface meteorological data from the National Data Bouy Center (NDBC) stations located across the Great Lakes. This data set covers the...- dataset ASCII
HX290 CTD Data
This is calibrated Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) downcast data from the Alpha Helix Cruise HX290, a mooring recovery and redeployment cruise during August and September...- dataset OTHER ASCII
POES Sea Surface Temperature Imagery
This dataset contains images from the POES Satellite of sea surface temperatures that were taken from November 23rd, 2004 through February 1st, 2005.- dataset Image
NRL COAMPS 10km Coupled Invest Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS 10km Model invest forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include sea surface temperature and sea surface temperature change....- dataset Image
HLY-04-03 NCAR EOl Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 25 August 2004 at the end of the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Summer Cruise. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-03 field catalog and...- dataset Archive
2003 Helo Survey CTD Data [Christensen, J. and H. Melling]
Early spring sampling was performed in the eastern area of the Shelf-Basin Interactions Project using aircraft. Flights began on 1 April 2003 and finished on 15 April. During...- dataset PDF ASCII
NOAA P-3 Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters - netCDF Format
This dataset contains the NOAA P-3 State and Navigation parameters from missions flown during EPIC. These are the AOC derived (Type 5) data converted to NetCDF by UCAR/JOSS. The...- dataset NetCDF
This dataset contains data from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory/Global Systems Division (ESRL/GSD) Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). The data are...- dataset Archive
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Data
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model data from the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida;...- dataset Archive
Ice Camp Ocean Seacat CTD Data-Deep (Preliminary) [Anderson, R. and J. Morison]
This dataset contains Seacat files for the so-called 'Deep' casts during SHEBA. These data are preliminary in that they are simply the ASCII output from the DATCNV step...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF 0.1 Degree IFS Model Data
This data set contains the 0.1 degree resolution output from the ECMWF IFS (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Integrated Forecasting System) model during the...- dataset Archive