The Marine Boundary Layer, From Air-sea Interface to Inversion
An overview is given of the structure of the marine boundary layer including the molecular interactions at the interface, the transfer processes in the surface layer, and the...- publication PDF
A Comparison of Quasi-geostrophic and Primitive Equation Models for Stratosph...
This report explains questions and builds upon previous findings on the comparison of quasi-geostrophic and primitive equation models for stratospheric sudden warming simulations.- publication PDF
Conversations With Jule Charney
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The Mean Circulation of the Tropical and Subtropical Atmosphere-July
The purpose of this atlas is to provide a long-term data set to describe the mean structure of the tropical atmosphere straddling the equator for the period of the northern...- publication PDF
The Ophir Radiometric Thermometer: Preliminary Evaluation
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The Ophir Air Temperature Radiometer
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Flux and Sounding Data From the NCAR King Air Aircraft During HAPEX
This technical note describes the operation of the NCAR King Air aircraft during HAPEX, the methods of processing the data, and presents a large portion of the data from the...- publication PDF
Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop report to the National Science ...
The Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop was convened on 12-14 April 2011 to assess the merits of ground-based remote sensing technologies applicable to highly resolved...- publication PDF
Thermal Convection: A Colloquium, Sponsored by the NCAR Advanced Study Progra...
This document is part one of three which report the results of a six-week colloquium on problems of thermal convection held during the summer of 1966. The colloquium covered a...- publication PDF
Comparison of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) Climates
The purpose of this project is to establish the climate record of four versions of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM). All four...- publication PDF
A User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase 1 Database
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) is an ongoing multi-institutional, international effort addressing the response of biogeography and...- publication PDF
Climatology of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer Region: A Report of the Water Dec...
Since 2000, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has identified eight droughts nationwide as billion-dollar weather disasters based on both damages and costs,...- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics From January and July Simulation With the NCAR Communi...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
The measurement of air velocity and temperature using the NCAR Buffalo Aircra...
This report describes methods used to measure air velocity and temperature from an aircraft and their applications to the measuring system on the NCAR Buffalo aircraft. Main...- publication PDF
Winter MONEX: U.S. Research Flight Missions, December 1978
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Stratospheric Circulation Statistics
This report which contains tables and diagrams are presented which describe the monthly mean statistics of the circulation in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere from July 1976...- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics From Seasonal and Perpetual January and July Simulatio...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1000-1 mb
This atlas presents atmospheric general circulation statistics derived from twelve years (1979-1990) of daily National Meteorological Center (NMC) operational geopotential...- publication PDF
Climate of the Upper Air: Southern Hemisphere. Volume 4: Selected Meridional ...
In this fourth volume of a four volume series depicting the upper air climatology of the Southern Hemisphere, a cross sections of mean statistics for heights, temperatures, and...- publication PDF
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) Climate Downscaling Dataset
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) climate downscaling dataset was created to provide a high-resolution depiction of present and future climate scenarios in the...- publication PDF