Preliminary Investigation of Paleoenvironment, Processes, and Carbon Stocks o...
This data set contains Preliminary Investigation of Paleoenvironment, Processes, and Carbon Stocks of Drained Thaw-Lake Basins, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska data. These data...- dataset Excel
Snow Depth Yearly Measurements at Toolik Station 1995-2001
This data set provides snow depth measurements in the study area at Toolik Station, Alaska, taken once yearly on May 2nd, for the years 1995 through 2001. Measurements were...- dataset ASCII
SNACS Atmospheric Model: Time Series Data - 3-hourly
This dataset archives the 3-hourly SNACS Polar MM5 atmospheric model data for simulations run with the following forcing data. Model years Data 1957-1958 to 1978-1979 ERA40...- dataset ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Permanent Plots
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 73 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- BE Soil Data 2009
This data set contains soil respiration (CO2) and related measurements taken at the Biocomplexity Experimental Site in northern Alaska during the summer of 2009. Sampling was...- dataset ASCII
Snow Depth Measurements from Barrow, Alaska, 1994
This data set contains snow depth measurements (cm) taken at the Arctic System Science (ARCSS) 1-m grid near Barrow, Alaska, on May 8, 1994. A grid spacing of 100 m was marked...- dataset ASCII
Sea Ice Melt Pond Data
As part of the Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONET) project monitoring the seasonal ice zone, studies were carried out tracking the evolution of albedo and melt pond...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Active Layer Depth and Snow Depth, Kuparuk Basin, 1995
Active layer and snow depths were measured on 1-km x 1-km grids within the Kuparuk Basin, Alaska, at various times throughout the summer of 1995. The parameters were measured at...- dataset ASCII
ArcticRIMS: SSM/I Freeze Thaw 5-day Composites , Aggregated by Administrative...
5-day composites of Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) Freeze Thaw data. The data are presented in 24 sub-datasets of different spatial and temporal aggregations.- dataset Archive
Model Output From the 'Frost Index' Permafrost Model: Variati...
This data set contains permafrost distribution maps, active-layer thickness maps, and hazard-potential maps constructed using results from the 'frost index' permafrost...- dataset Archive Image
ArcticRIMS: Daily Thaw Depth And Frozen Ground Depth, Based on ERA-40 2-meter...
Daily thaw depth and frozen ground depth are calculated using a frozen ground model. Oelke et al. [2004] provide details, while also referring to [Oelke et al., 2003]. Thaw...- dataset Archive
ArcticRIMS: Snow Water Equivalent
This data includes daily Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) values for July 1999 to June 2001, representing the most complete possible "picture" of SWE for the Arctic basin,...- dataset Archive
ART-Russia River Temperature
This data set covers 20 gauges in 17 unique Arctic Ocean drainage basins in the Russian pan-Arctic (ART-Russia). Warm season 10-day time step data (decades) were collected from...- dataset ASCII
Global Snow-Water-Equivalent Depth Coefficient-of-Variation Classification
This data set provides a global distribution of nine subgrid snow-depth-variability categories and a coefficient of variation applicable to each category, as the result of the...- dataset ASCII Archive
Borehole Temperatures from the North Slope of Alaska, 1977-2002
This data set contains temperatures collected from boreholes on the North Slope of Alaska at 23 sites between 1977 and 2002. Most data fall into a date range of 1983-2001. The...- dataset Archive
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Classification and Mapping
Investigators classified typical and characteristic vegetation communities in an area in northern Alaska using Braun-Blanquet sorted table analysis, and mapped the communities...- dataset PDF ASCII
Alaskan Air, Ground, Snow, and Soil Temperatures, 1998-2001
This data set contains air and ground temperature measurements collected from three different regions, each with multiple sites. The regions sampled are North Slope, Council,...- dataset Archive
Sea Ice Melt Ponds: Spectral Albedo
Spectral albedos (from 350-2500nm) were measured every 5 m along the transect line, according to a tape measure laid out along the transect daily. The instrument used was an...- dataset Archive
Meteorology, Vegetation, Radiation, Microtopography, and Thaw Depth Data, Ala...
This dataset includes temperature, relative humidity, long- and short-wave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf area index (LAI), microtopography, and thaw...- dataset Archive
Sea Ice Melt Ponds: Integrated Albedo
Wavelength integrated albedos (from 300-3000 nm) were measured every 2.5 m along the transect line, according to a tape measure laid out along the transect daily. The instrument...- dataset Archive