CCM Progress Report--July 1990
This report is a accumulation of brief reports required of all Community Climate Model (CCM) users both inside and outside of NCAR. The report serves to augment periodically...- publication PDF
Harry Van Loon Symposium, Studies in Climate II
This symposium was held to celebrate Harry van Loon's contribution to Climate Studies. Harry van Loon has been a scientist at NCAR since 1963. Since that time he has published...- publication PDF
Characterizing drought risks and implications for water management under clim...
Drought risks arise from the intersection of climate hazards and social vulnerability. To characterize drought risks, we develop and demonstrate a new Combined Drought Risk...- publication PDF
The Annual Cycle of Precipitation Over the Indian Subcontinent: Daily, Monthl...
This technical note documents the annual cycle of precipitation over the Indian subcontinent. Particular attention is focused upon India, the largest country within the region....- publication PDF
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model: 2015 Scientific Docu...
This document describes the scientific aspects of the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) modeling system. This is based on 2015 HWRF v3.7a public release. This...- publication PDF
Real-time Forecasts for WISP-91 Using the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model
This technical report describes the experience gained from operational use of the model for the Winter Icing and Storms Project (WISP-91). The operational MM4 forecasts are...- publication PDF
National Hail Research Experiment Data Catalog (1972-1976)
This document constitutes a portion of the final report to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE). The purpose of the material...- publication PDF
Emergency managers on-line survey on extratropical and tropical cyclone forec...
We report on a web-based survey of emergency managers (EMs) that is part of a larger body of work with the goal of better understanding how certain NOAA weather forecast...- publication PDF
Broadcast media on-line survey on extratropical and tropical cyclone forecast...
This report on a survey of broadcast meteorologists (also referred to as the media) is part of a larger body of work to better understand how National Oceanic and Atmospheric...- publication PDF
The National Hail Research Experiment
The National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) is a cooperative fiveyear research project (FY 1972 to FY 1976), endorsed by the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric...- publication PDF
January and July Simulation Experiments With the 2.5 Latitude-longitude Versi...
This technical note documents the capability of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 2.5�� latitude-longitude, second-generation, 6-layer General Circulation...- publication PDF
Assessing and improving the NWS point-and-click webpage forecast information
The National Weather Service (NWS) is the governmental agency responsible for providing freely available weather forecasts, warnings, watches, and advisories for the protection...- publication PDF
The Hailpad: Construction and Materials, Data Reduction, and Calibration
This paper examines in detail the materials from which hailpads are constructed, the procedures for reducing hailpad data, and the methods used to calibrate these instruments. A...- publication PDF
Airflow and Hail Growth in Supercell Storms and Some Implications for Hail Su...
This paper presents evidence that the competing embryo concept is not valid for what we have termed the archetypal supercell. Multiple radar and aircraft observations of a...- publication PDF
Climatology of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer Region: A Report of the Water Dec...
Since 2000, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has identified eight droughts nationwide as billion-dollar weather disasters based on both damages and costs,...- publication PDF
A Barometric Survey of National Hail Research Experiment Mesonet Station Heights
The mesoscale meteorological surface network established for the support of the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) 1973 field experiment has been barometrically surveyed....- publication PDF
Modeling high-impact weather and climate: Lessons from a tropical cyclone per...
Although the societal impact of a weather event increases with the rarity of the event, our current ability to assess extreme events and their impacts is limited by not only...- publication PDF
Techniques employed in the processing of particle size spectra and state para...
This document describes the computer software developed to process particle size spectrometer and thermodynamic data obtained with the T-28 "hail" research aircraft. Five...- publication PDF
Survey of coastal emergency managers perspectives on NWS storm surge informat...
This NOAA-funded project aims to explore and assess (1) the public's awareness and understanding concerning storm surge and storm surge information, and (2) whether the NWS...- publication PDF
Winter MONEX: U.S. Research Flight Missions, December 1978
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF