Yasaka and Uji Nephelometer data [3 wavelength]
This dataset contains aerosol optical properties measured at Yasaka and Uji, Japan during the intensive field phase of the ACE-Asia field project. Data is in ASCII text format.- dataset ASCII
Lake-ICE Surface: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Data
This data set contains the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Buoy, CMAN, U.S. Coast Guard, Ships, Surface Airways, and Other Marine Reports stations. Measurements...- dataset ASCII
This data set contains NASA DC-8 Langley Aerosol Research Group Experiment (LARGE) Condensation Nuclei Counter (CNC) Data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and...- dataset ASCII
Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) derived aircraft-relative tropopose heig...
These files indicate the position of the aircraft relative to the estimates of tropopause height taken from MTP data measured aboard the NSF/NCAR GV during HIPPO-5. The 1st...- dataset ASCII
NDVI data [Oberbauer]
This dataset contains Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images of the 1999 growing season of the Toolik Lake Field station to document differences in on study site...- dataset ASCII
LAI and NDVI Meas. - Happy Valley MAT Site (ASCII) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains leaf area index (LAI) measurements taken at peak biomass at the Happy Valley MAT site on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, in 2000. This dataset also contains...- dataset ASCII
French Falcon Isokinetic Evaporator Probe (IKP2) Data
This dataset contains a quality controlled dataset of the Isokinetic Evaporator probe (IKP2) from the Cayenne campaign of the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content...- dataset ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter Navigation and State Parameters
This data set contains measured and calculated meteorological and navigational data for the Twin Otter aircraft obtained during the ACE-ASIA project.- dataset ASCII
Louisiana Agriclimatic Information (LAIS) Hourly Data
This data set contains hourly surface meteorological data from the Louisiana Agriclimate Information (LAIS) Network stations located across Louisiana. This data set covers the...- dataset ASCII
Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) GTS CTD Data
This dataset contains GTS CTD data from the Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlantic...- dataset PDF ASCII
NOAA/NWS Rawinsonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment (RAINEX) project. This data set includes 4444 high vertical...- dataset ASCII
ABLE Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Data
This data set contains 1-minute resolution surface meteorological data from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments (ABLE) operated by the Argonne National Laboratory in the...- dataset ASCII
Kougarok Soil Data - Station K1 [Hinzman, L.]
This dataset contains Soil Data taken from the Kougarok site station K1 during the ATLAS field project.- dataset ASCII
USGS Stream Flow Data
This dataset contains daily observations of stream flow from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and selected United States Army Corps of Engineers gages. More than 800...- dataset ASCII
MTSAT-1R Hourly Atmospheric Motion Vector Data
This data set contains cloud drift wind data derived from the MTSAT satellites over the T-PARC region. Winds were derived from the water vapor, infrared, shortwave infrared and...- dataset ASCII
MP2 UAH MIPS 915 MHz Profiler Raw Consensus Wind Data
This data set contains 30 minute resolution profiles of raw consensus winds produced by the profiler POP4 software from the 915MHz profiler that was on-board the PECAN Mobile...- dataset ASCII
Upper Air - Eldorado High Resolution Soundings
This data set consists of CLASS soundings taken at Eldorado, Kansas for the CASES-99 program. The site was operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Atmospheric...- dataset ASCII
IBP Plot Data For Niwot Ridge [Webber]
This dataset contains 1971 data collected on species and land cover and abundance from Webber and Ebert-May's former International Biological Program (IBP) plots on Niwot...- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Evenness Data
This dataset contains evenness data from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
Wyoming's Remote Weather Information System (RWIS) "Specials...
The Wyoming's Remote Weather Informational System (RWIS) "Specials" data in QC format dataset is one of several datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale...- dataset ASCII