Forward-Looking Digital Camera Imagery
During NOREASTER, the GV_N677F flew a forward looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once per second during flights....- dataset Archive
NOAA P-3 Lower Fuselage C-Band Radar Data
This data set contains data from the NOAA P-3 aircraft lower fuselage C-band radar for its flights during the VORTEX-SE 2017 field season over the southeastern United States....- dataset Archive
Forward-Looking Digital Camera Imagery
During the Wintertime Investigation of Transport, Emission, and Reactivity (WINTER) project, the NSF/NCAR C-130 (Tail Number C130_N130AR) flew a forward looking digital camera...- dataset Archive ASCII
GOES-16 ABI CONUS Sector Data
This data set contains the 5 minute resolution data from the GOES-16 satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) over the continental United States during the period of VORTEX-SE...- dataset Archive
UAH Mobile Alabama X-band (MAX) dual polarimetric Doppler radar
This dataset contains UAH Mobile Alabama X-band (MAX) dual polarimetric Doppler radar data collected during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project from 1 June...- dataset Archive
CALM Home Page [Hinkel, K.]
This dataset consists of the Home Page for the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) program as well as multiple directories and files of jpg and gif images, docs, html...- dataset Archive
ASOS 1-minute Data
This data set contains the 1-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...- dataset Archive
NCAR S-Pol radar uncorrected field data, MDV
S-band Polarimetric (S-Pol) uncorrected field data, CIDD Meterological Data Volume (mdv) format, from the Terrain-influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (TiMREX). There are dual...- dataset Archive
BALTEX: Cabauw Momentum Flux Raw Data
This is the 10 minute momentum flux data for the Baltex Cabauw Reference Site.- dataset Archive
CSU TiMREX Sounding Data
This dataset contains the quality-controlled level 3 and 4 upper-air soundings collected during the Terrain-influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (TiMREX). Individual sondes...- dataset Archive
NOAA P-3 Tail Mounted X-Band Doppler Radar Data
Data from the Tail X-Band Doppler Radar that was on-board the NOAA P-3 aircraft for flights that participated in the TORUS_2022 (Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of...- dataset Archive
SMART-R2 Radar Data
This data set contains DORADE sweepfile data from the University of Oklahoma SMART-R2 radar collected furing the VORTEX2 project. Sweepfiles are in gzipped tar files according...- dataset Archive
MP2 UAH MIPS Doppler Lidar Data
This data set contains wind profile, RHI, and Vertical Stare data from the Doppler Lidar that was on-board the PECAN Mobile PISA 2 University of Alabama-Huntsville MIPS vehicle....- dataset Archive
New Mexico State University Hourly Surface Data
This data set contains surface data from the Mesonet New Mexico State University surface meteorological network. There are a total of 111 Stations included in the dataset. The...- dataset Archive
Lake-ICE upper air: NCAR/EOL Montague 915MHz Wind Profiler Winds and RASS Data
This dataset contains 915 MHz wind profiler data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located near Montague, MI (ISS1) during the Lake-Induced Convection...- dataset Archive
NOAA NSSL MRMS Bright Band Top and Bottom Heights
2-D grids of the approximate height of the top of the melting layer and 2-D grids of the approximate height of the bottom of the melting layer are contained in this dataset from...- dataset Archive
GOES-West Imager Visible CH1 Data
This dataset contains GOES-15 Imager CH1 Visible Satellite data (AREA format). The data are provided as TAR/GNU zip files. Each tar file contains all routine GOES sectors...- dataset Archive
USAF C-130 SFMR Data
This data set contains the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the United States Air Force (USAF) C-130 aircraft flights into the tropical systems of...- dataset Archive
Right-Looking Digital Camera Imagery
During SOCRATES-TEST, the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV (Tail Number N677F) flew a right looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once...- dataset Archive ASCII
This dataset contains output from the NCEP Eta Regional Climate model (RCM). The data include the runs required by the NAME Model Assessment Project (NAMAP) plus three...- dataset Archive