SnowModel Pan-Arctic Data 1979-2009
This data set contains pan-Arctic snow property estimates of distributed air temperature, snow precipitation, snow-season timing and length, maximum snow water equivalent depth...- dataset ASCII Archive Binary
SNACS Atmospheric Model: Time Series Data - 3-hourly
This dataset archives the 3-hourly SNACS Polar MM5 atmospheric model data for simulations run with the following forcing data. Model years Data 1957-1958 to 1978-1979 ERA40...- dataset ASCII
SNACS Atmospheric Model: source code and configuration files
This dataset archives the SNACS Polar MM5 atmospheric model code and settings for the 50km simulations. If you uncompress and then untar the file, you'll have a directory...- dataset Archive
Influence of Ocean Surface Conditions on the Regional Climate of the Northern...
This data set includes simulations data of the Greenland region created with the Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Fifth-Generation...- dataset Archive
Large scale water manipulation experiment in the Arctic tundra
This data set includes data from the Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO) as part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Biocomplexity Program. This involved increasing and...- dataset Archive
Meteorology, Vegetation, Radiation, Microtopography, and Thaw Depth Data, Ala...
This dataset includes temperature, relative humidity, long- and short-wave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf area index (LAI), microtopography, and thaw...- dataset Archive
Automated Weather Station Data for Greenland Ice Core Locations
This dataset contains automated weather station data (temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and wind direction and speed) collected on and near the Greenland Ice Sheet...- dataset ASCII
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- BE CO2 Flux Summer 2009
This data set contains half-hourly vertical fluxes of CO2 and related environmental measurements taken at the Biocomplexity Experimental Site in northern Alaska during the...- dataset ASCII
Meteorological and Radio Brightness Observations of Thawing Permafrost Near T...
This data set includes meteorological and radio brightness observations of tundra and shrub terrain on the North Slope of Alaska, USA near Toolik Lake. These data are nearly...- dataset Archive
SHEBA Composite Data Observations
This data set contains the hourly values of 31 parameters that are a combination of observations from the Atmospheric Surface Flux Group (ASFG) SHEBA site and from other SHEBA...- dataset ASCII Matlab
GLASS Sounding Data Humidity Corrections [Miller, E.]
This is a link to EOL documentation on SHEBA GLASS Sounding Data Correction. This webpage contains a collection of pdf files written by Eric Miller of NCAR describing studies he...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
SNACS Atmospheric Model: Time Series Data - Daily averages
This dataset archives the daily SNACS Polar MM5 atmospheric model data for simulations run with the following forcing data: Model years Data 1957-1958 to 1978-1979 ERA40...- dataset ASCII
The Cloud and Surface Parameter Retrieval (CASPR) data set consists of SHEBA AVHRR arctic satellite retrievals corresponding to the Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison...- dataset OTHER Archive
Eddy Flux Data, Alaska North Slope, 1994-1996
This dataset contains eddy flux data recorded at Happy Valley, Sagwon, and Toolik Lake from 1994 to 1996. An entire suite of meteorological parameters were recorded, including...- dataset Archive
Radiation Measurements from the USCGC Polar Sea, 1994
This data set includes spectral and broadband measurements of downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation made aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter "Polar Sea" during...- dataset ASCII
GRIP NASA DC-8 Quality Controlled Dropsonde Archive
This data set contains dropsonde data from the NASA DC-8 medium altitude research aircraft. A total of 328 quality-controlled dropsonde soundings were released during 16...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
The NA-CORDEX data archive contains output from 7 regional climate models (RCMs) run over a domain covering most of North America using boundary conditions from different global...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR CESM2 Large Ensemble Cloud-Optimized Dataset
The National Center for Atmospheric Research partnered with the IBS Center for Climate Physics in South Korea to generate the CESM2 Large Ensemble which consists of 100 members...- dataset ZARR
NA-CORDEX Cloud-Optimized Dataset
The NA-CORDEX dataset contains output from high-resolution regional climate models run over North America using boundary conditions from global simulations in the CMIP5 archive....- dataset ZARR
CAM6 Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) Reanalysis: Cloud-Optimized ...
This is a cloud-hosted subset of the CAM6+DART (Community Atmosphere Model version 6 Data Assimilation Research Testbed) Reanalysis dataset. These data...- dataset ZARR