ERA-40 2.5 Degree Upper Air Pressure Level Analysis Data
The 6-hourly upper air pressure level analysis data on global 2.5 degree grids from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are available in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
NMC B3 Daily Northern Hemisphere Analyses for 1963 August to 1972 December
NMC operationally produced these daily gridded Northern Hemisphere analyses of various tropospheric levels for the period August 1963 to December 1972. Parameters include...- dataset Binary
NCAR MMM 10-member, 3 km, experimental real-time ensemble prediction system
Since April 2015, NCAR's Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory, in collaboration with NCAR's Computational Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), has been...- dataset GRIB
WCRP and WWRP THORPEX YOTC (Year of Tropical Convection) Project, Single Para...
The realistic representation of tropical convection in our global atmospheric models is a long-standing grand challenge for numerical weather forecasts and global climate...- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Analysis Fields on Pressure Surfaces, created at NCAR
The ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA40) is a global atmospheric analysis of many conventional observations and satellite data streams for the period September 1957 to August 2002. There...- dataset GRIB
Circulation Statistics for the Extratropical Northern Hemisphere Based on NMC...
Polar stereographic maps and meridional cross-sections of selected circulation statistics for the extratropical regions from 1000 to 100 mb (20-90��N) of the Northern...- publication PDF
Summer Fellowship in Scientific Computing / Computing Facility Summer 1978
The papers presented in this document summarize the research and programming work completed during the summer of 1978 by eight students who participated in the Summer Fellowship...- publication PDF
Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1000-1 mb
This atlas presents atmospheric general circulation statistics derived from twelve years (1979-1990) of daily National Meteorological Center (NMC) operational geopotential...- publication PDF