SBI Microzooplankton Grazing Data (ASCII) [Sherr, E.]
Microzooplankton grazing impact on phytoplankton was assessed using the Landry-Hassett dilution technique in the western Arctic Ocean during spring and summer 2002 and 2004....- dataset ASCII
Miscellaneous Data
This dataset includes miscellaneous data during Phases I, II, and III of the Global Atmospheric Research Program's (GARP) Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE). Title,...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
HLY-04-02 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (Ex...
This data set contains measurements of benthic parameters, including bottom water temperature and salinity, bottom water chlorophyll-a concentrations, integrated water column...- dataset Excel
HLY-04-04 Service Group CTD Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This data set consists of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Data in WHP Format from the Fall 2004 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy cruise (HLY-04-04). The data are in...- dataset ASCII
HX250 CTD Data
This is calibrated Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) downcast data from the Alpha Helix Cruise HX250, a mooring recovery and redeployment cruise during August and September...- dataset OTHER ASCII
C3O - Sir Wilfrid Laurier CTD Data 2015 for DBO5
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD. The data were collected aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier along the line DBO 5 (Barrow...- dataset ASCII
C3O - Sir Wilfrid Laurier CTD Data 2015 for DBO4
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD. The data were collected aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier along the line DBO 4 (Northeast...- dataset ASCII
NOAA P-3 AXBT Profiles
The EPIC Aircraft P-3 Oceanography AXBT Profiles (RSMAS) dataset is one of several datasets archived by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Joint Office for...- dataset Archive
COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model Area 1 Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS adjoint forward model forecast imagery. The forecast products are available every six hours out of 60 hours. Products include precipitation,...- dataset Image
NBP03-04a Service Group CTD Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This dataset consists of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Data in WHP Format from the 2003 Survey Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise (NBP03-04A). These data are in a single zip...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 Service Group Bottle Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This data set consists of Bottle Data in WHP Format from the Summer 2004 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-04-03). These data are in a single comma-delimited...- dataset ASCII
NOAA POES SST and Anomaly Imagery
This dataset contains daily imagery of SST and SST anomalies over the Indian Ocean derived from the NOAA POES satellites. These images were developed by NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Marine...- dataset Image
HLY1301 Bottle Data
This dataset contains summary measurements of water samples collected at each station for HLY1301 identified by Station Number (#), Station Name (Stn. Name), Date (mm/dd/yy),...- dataset Excel ASCII
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 2012 CTD Data ...
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD. The data were collected aboard the R/V Mirai along the line DBO 3 on September 14, 2012....- dataset ASCII
Buoy, ARGOS Data [Morison, J.]
During SHEBA, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) deployed three data buoys forming an "inner buoy triangle" about the central SHEBA ice camp. During...- dataset ASCII
R/V Mirai Sea Surface Water (TSG) Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the five minute data from the R/V Mirai thermosalinograph during its cruise in the Indian Ocean for DYNAMO. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
COAMPS 15km Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS model 15 km forecast imagery. The forecast products are available every hour from 12 to 48 hours. Products include 500 mb, 700 mb, and 850 mb,...- dataset Image
RSMAS CWRF 12km with ECMWF Initial Condition Forecast Imagery
This data set contains RSMAS CWRF 12km model (using ECMWF initial boundary conditions) forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include rain rate and sea level...- dataset Image
R/V Ron Brown SCS Data - Leg 1
This dataset contains data from the two 'messages' requested for recording by the EPIC group (WHOI-ETL and RAIN). The data are at 2-s time resolution and there are...- dataset ASCII
IMK 7.0km COSMO Model Imagery on Domain 2 Using IFS Boundary Conditions
This data set contains COSMO (Consortium for Small Scale Modeling) model forecast imagery from the 7.0 km resolution version of the model on domain 2 (invest) and using the...- dataset Archive